Thursday, October 11, 2007


... New Commissioner Fred Bealefeld III at the David M. Kennedy lecture.
I think he really cares!


  1. Glad he cares.

    Murder on the 1000 block of West Baltimore St.

  2. Samuel "Mook" Price will have 17 years to ponder the error of his heroin-dealing ways.

  3. Query: don't you imagine a computer record of a warrant constitutes probable cause to detain until the paper document can be produced?

  4. From Galt's story:

    "At Baltimore’s Inner Harbor fireworks celebration on Independence Day in 2006, police detectives observed a “large crowd” of males and females holding up gang signs and surrounding an elderly woman in a wheelchair, according to court documents.

    As a detective entered the crowd to help the elderly woman, members of the crowd began to shout Bloods’ slogans, such as “L-Up” and “Blaat,” police wrote in charging documents.

    One female in the crowd, Aisha Holmes, started to threaten passers-by with a Roman candle — a type of firework — causing them to run, police said. "

    If law-abiding citizens were allowed to carry concealed firearms they wouldn't have to live in fear of these kinds of thugs.

  5. Yeah, just THINK of the bloodbath that could have ensued if a bunch of folks had guns at the Inner Harbor... Mmmmm... bloodbath...

  6. As long as the people who had guns weren't criminals I don't believe there would have been any sort of bloodbath.

  7. Just think of ??

    No need to use your imagination. Just review the shootouts that take place away from except the inner harbor.

    What makes the tourists so special ?

  8. It's not guns that are the problem, it's guns in the hands of the wrong people. Hoodlums are already carrying guns and will continue to do so, issuing concealed carry permits to law-abiding citizens will do nothing to make this worse.

    And before someone jumps on me, I do actually believe that gun control works in some circumcstances. However for it to be effective I think you'd need guns laws that are as tough as Japan or Singapore's, and that will never, ever happen in the United States. So, as long as you're going to have all those guns floating around you might as well let non-criminal members of society carry them for self-defense.

  9. "It's not guns that are the problem, it's guns in the hands of the wrong people."

    Well, I guess I just think that a bunch of armed, scared, unregulated, likely untrained civilians having a Roman candle pointed at them ARE the wrong hands. I don't see how having a bunch more guns in the mix would do anything but escalate a situation.

    Anyway, I know we can go round and round and round on this issue. So I'll just say that I don't think issuing large numbers of concealed weapons permits is a good solution to Baltimore's crime problem, and I promise not to make any more comments on this.

  10. Um, I mean wrong people. People aren't hands. Yeah.
