Wednesday, October 3, 2007

VJayJay Day

Compare coverage of the Roland Park rape (Four stories in the Sun, six in the Examiner) with the 80 words given to a rape in the SE.
(Or, for that matter, the extended coverage of the stolen tomato.)

The Court of Appeals is trying to decide whether consensual sex can become rape if a woman says no in the middle of the act.

WYPR: Martha's Place, a drug recovery house for women, is "changing lives in one drug-infested Baltimore community."

Perv of the Day: Stephen Gayer of Parkville, who apparently has been violating Sex Childs for years.

Galt has more stories in comments.


  1. From the SE rape story:

    "After the attack, the man said he had to leave for work and left a phone number with the victim. "

    Left a phone number? WTF?

  2. Police officers are pissed that armed hold-up perps got off as juvies.

    And the Examiner reports that the relocation of public housing clients to the counties has brought them sharply higher crime.

  3. Wow, the first story that Galt posted has made me almost too angry to speak. Get ready to hear some serious ranting...

    First off, I think that trying 17-year olds as juveniles when they are accused of a violent crime is complete and utter horesehit. I knew perfectly well when I was 13 that armed robbery and attempted murder were not acceptable. Any violent felony committed by someone who's older than 12 should automatically be tried as an adult case, no expceptions. If you're old enough to commit murder then you're old enough to fry for the crime.

    Second, why in god's name did the State's Attorney's office put the charges against Gary Thomas on the inactive docket? It sounds like there was plenty of evidence against him, and if there's any crime that should be vigorously prosecuted it's one such as this one! When that thug commits another serious crime (and don't kid yourself, he will) Pat Jessamy should be charged as an accessory.

    Finally, it sounds like Sgt. Nyberg is alive today because he had a gun. If he were a regular person he would most likely have ended up dead, because the state of Maryland doesn't believe that law-abiding citizens should be able to carry concealed firearms. Can't have people defending themselves against hoodlums, now can we?

  4. "Parkville Man Charged With Sex Child Abuse" - what's a Sex Child?

  5. Bwah! I didn't even notice that!
    That would be a good band name

  6. That rape case that's going to the MD Court of Appeals is kind of weird. It sounds like the perps assaulted the victim first, so I don't see how the sex could ever be considered consensual in the first place. If it were up to me I'd hang both of the guys in this case, they sound like degenerate scum.

  7. Not that I want to get in a rape debate, but what if you're in the middle of consensual sex with someone and they start to beat the crap out of you or assault you in some other way (and being brutalized is not on the agenda, so to speak)? My point: not all consensual sex stays that way.

    I think it's very Middle Ages that this is even being debated in the MD Court of Appeals.

  8. In a way, I guess we're all Sex Children. Except those of us conceived by artificial insemination. Or cloning. Or, ya know, cyborgs.

  9. Non, of course a woman should be able to withdraw consent, but in this case it sounds like the guy pulled out within a few seconds of when she said stop. Is stopping five seconds after she withdraws her consent still rape? What I don't understand is how the sex in this particular case could be considered consensual in the first place. It sounds pretty obvious that they threatened the victim.

  10. “If it were up to me I'd hang both of the guys in this case...”

    Heh. ppatin, respectfully, hanging would be your preferred sentence for ALL cases, including double parking and violations of noise ordinances.

  11. Nah, just for all violent felonies :)

  12. Actually, if someone held a reeeeally loud party and ignored repeated requests to turn his music down it might be a good idea make an example of him...


  13. For me it would depend on what they were playing... or if a neighbor had a drum kit, maybe.

  14. It's not quite theft, but how about the City giving Southwestern High to a DC boarding school for $100 to be used for non-Baltimore kids ????

  15. I think that's great about the school. Save the Sex Childs!

  16. I just looked up the Seed Foundation. It looks fantastic to me. Apparently, the great majority of the students will be from Baltimore - although there will also probably be many from P.G. and Baltimore Counties as well - and those counties will be paying their share - with the state picking up part of the tab as well.

    The city probably could have gotten a little more than $100 bucks for the property, but we're going to reap far more than we sow out of the deal - judging from the Seed Foundation's impressive track record.

    Bully for everyone who got the deal through.

  17. I'm having some difficulty with the article on Martha's Place.

    It's about remediating drug addiction and its effects, yet the folks involved concede that Pennsylavania Ave in that area is an open-air drug market. What, you just accept that ???

    How about a front-page article in which Martha's Place vocally demands the Mayor police the misconduct ???

    Or is that too conservative-Republican of me ??

    Well-intended folks in this town conceed way too much to criminals.
