Wednesday, October 3, 2007


In a major ballkick to the State's Attorney's office, a Baltimore jury today acquitted the owners of a city bail bond company who were being tried on obstruction of justice and perjury charges after only 90 minutes of deliberations on 21 counts following two weeks of testimony.
Rumor has it that 4 Aces Bail Bonds is a front for one of BMore's largest drug organizations.


  1. I wonder if this was the result of juror stupidity or incompetent prosecution? Maybe we can get the feds to go after 4 Aces Bail Bonds, since they sound like the sort of company whose taxes aren't quite in order.

  2. "I wonder if this was the result of juror stupidity or incompetent prosecution?"

    A healthy serving of both, most likely.

  3. I hear the jury just was not feeling the prosecutor at all.

  4. clearly, not a one of them got a single thing she was saying, deliberating four minutes a count!

  5. I wonder if that's the same shady bail bonds outfit that tried to open in my neighborhood, completely against the Urban Renewal Plan and zoning code. Wouldn't surprise me at all, considering the amount of illegal activity that goes on. Good grief -- who's minding the store???

  6. Armed street robbery, home invasion, assault, car theft, and buglary in Waverly in the crime log. this week.

  7. Perhaps THIS is a clearer representation of the quarter.

  8. That map is unbelievable. Completely shocking!

    nybody know how to do a screen capture w/Firefox?

  9. I'm sorry, but this headline is just no good when you read it carefully:

    Victim Comes Forward In Gayer Sex Abuse Case.

  10. That case is like, so gay.

    "It's not normal for a single guy taking girls that are not even family out, you know." Yah no kidding!
    No normal adult enjoys the company of teenagers!
    What's with these parents that would allow their daughters to hang out with some skeevy dude?

    And all these neighbors knew he was entertaining a bunch of underage girls in a hot tub, but no one called the police? What an effed-up neighborhood!
