Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Copper Downspout Theft Alert.

From a Homeland neighborhood alert:
Over the weekend, the following areas had copper downspouts stolen:

5100 block of St. Albans Way

5200 block of St. Albans Way

300 block of Thornhill Road

5300 block of Springlake Way

300 block of Taplow Road

THESE ARE IN ADDITION TO THE THEFTS LAST WEEK (5200 block of Tilbury, 200 block of Goodale Road and 200 block of Tunbridge Road)

Ms. Dixon, why isn’t the city shutting down the scrap dealers who are accepting stolen copper???

... or all the other stolen metal?


  1. The "official" murder tally went up to 259 because of the recent deaths of two men who were injured several years ago. Here's the story.

    BTW, this should put to rest the false rumor that old common-law "year and a day" rule still applies in Maryland.

  2. Anyone know what the fuss was at San Martin and University last night about 8pm? About 6 patrol cars, but I couldnt tell if they were partly Hopkins security.

  3. Mary Pat Clarke's response: it was the downspouts' fault for hanging off the house and looking all shiny and appealing!
