Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 13

Private school teacher Charles Carroll was acquitted of sexually abusing a student in August and now city prosecutors have dropped the remaining two cases against him.

muhammedState police are looking for an armed, dangerous escaped prisoner, 39-year-old Kamarra Muhammad, left. He was last seen barefoot in a white hospital gown and speaks in a West African accent. UPDATE: never mind, he's been captured!

Sunday's murder victim was identified as Carlos Eugene Smithson, age 22, of the 400 block of N. Robinson Street.

Antonio Brown, the little boy taken from the hospital by his 34-year-old (?!) grandmother was found yesterday in the 1800 block of Guilford Ave.

Fill in the blank: "Parents blamed _______ Monday for failing to prevent a fight that erupted after a football game between Baltimore City College and Polytechnic Institute and ended with the arrests of 28 girls" on Saturday.

Police cadet accused of robbing McD's: it wasn't me

Suckers! The Sun bit on an old story that the Catholic church has been touting since 2004-- the John Jay report that priests are no more likely to be child molesters than your average guy. That may be true, but on the other hand, not many employers spent decades helping perverts cover up their crimes and moving them into new positions with fresh victims, either!


  1. Hmm, the Sun and WJZ can't seem to agree on the escaped car thief's age.

    Hopefully he received a proper beatdown when he was recaptured.

  2. wow, that was quick! They recaptured him the minute I posted!

  3. Gah, every time I read the 34yo grandmother story I want to scream. I wish that more Baltimorons would exercise their "right to choose." Not getting knocked up in the first place would be even better of course, but that seems to be beyond their abilities.

  4. At least the Baltimore PD is smart enough not to fall for that stupid Jenkem story, unlike in Austin.

    "local police departments have said officers are being trained on how to spot a vile drug called "Jenkem.""

  5. Hm, I wonder if you're broke and homeless how hard it is to get birth control. I know my insurance won't cover it. But they will cover Viagra.

  6. There's always Planned Parenthood, I think if you're poor enough they'll give it out for free. I would be surprised if the city health department doesn't have some sort of similar program.

    Free birth control for the poor is one government funded program I'd be fully in favor of. In the long run it would pay for itself a thousand times over.

  7. Ah, here we go.

    Baltimore City Health Department
    Family Planning & Reproductive Health Services

    Under the "Cost" section they say "Sliding scale fees. No one is ever turned away for inability to pay." Feel free to pass this information along to any broke and horny homeless people you know...

  8. Jenkem is serious business, not for joking around fun. Over 9000 lives have been ruined by jenkem in Texas. Baltimore will have the jenkem plague soon. Education is the best way to keep kids off of the jenkem.

  9. Based on the smell, I think Baltimore invented Jenkem.

  10. Perhaps the City should offer free heroin in exchange for having tubes tied.

  11. Galt,

    A non-profit tried cash, and was crucified by some elements of the city for being racist.

  12. You do realize the Jenkem is a myth, it's fabricated. It doesn't exist.

  13. "A non-profit tried cash, and was crucified by some elements of the city for being racist."

    I always thought it was the groups that made the accusations of racism which were the true racists. What are they saying, that blacks are less capable of making decisions for themselves? Peter Beilenson's quote in that Citypaper article was particularly stupid.

    "It makes far more sense to me to try and encourage people to address their substance-abuse problem rather than to coercively try and address their ability to choose what to do with their own bodies in terms of reproduction."

    You know what? Lots of people won't deal with their own problems, and it's ridiculous to pretend otherwise. As for coercion, that's complete nonsense. No one is being forced to do anything. In a free society people are allowed to make bad decisions.

  14. Of course Jenkem is a myth. That's why I was making fun of the police departments that were wasting resources by training officers about it.

  15. Even if someone takes the information on Jenkem and tries it out, how is it different from huffing? Inhaling Hydrocarbon fumes and depriving your brain of Oxygen is the same whether it is Gasoline fumes or Methane, just more home brew and less hygienic.

  16. "if someone takes the information on Jenkem and tries it out..." that would be so funny! I'll bet someone has, too.

    Yeah I remember CRACK came up a while back. I wonder whatever happened to the organization? After all that talk years ago I never heard anything else about it.

    I agree with you, PP, about the racists.

  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenkem

  18. "wow, that was quick! They recaptured him the minute I posted!"

    Good work, Cybes.

  19. That police "cadet" wasn't a cadet at all. He was a Police Officer Trainee and was in Field Training in the Southern district. Badge-gun-and all....
