Friday, November 16, 2007

Insomniac edition

An officer was shot in the leg and a suspect was shot dead tonight on E. Monument Street (police-involved shooting #32).

It's official: RJR has been nominated to the 4th circuit.

The family of slain 72-year-old Shirley Cooper filed a $14 million lawsuit against the Temple Gardens apartment complex, alleging that their lax security is to blame for letting her murderer in.

Murder suspect Brandon Wall: I meant to pistol-whip the victim, not shoot him

Dundalk chickenhawk Robert Layton got 25 years.

We can all sleep a little easier knowing that city police arrested an individual today whom they believe to be responsible for the copper downspout thefts in Homeland.
Scarier than pipe theft: electricity theft that can set your shit on fire

Not Baltimore, not a crime, but no doubt one of the most effed-up stories you will ever read (thanks JB).


  1. This song is about New Orleans, but if we ever need an official song for Baltimore I think it would be a perfect match.

  2. Regarding the Megan Meier story, I'm curious to hear what people think of the fact that there doesn't seem to be a law covering what the adults "down the block" did. I'm also curious to see what people think of the local newspaper withholding the names of the offending parents.

  3. I live in Fed Hill, and was out of town for about a week until this past Tuesday. When I got home, I saw a big old RV that says "Baltimore Police Department Mobile Station" parked on Charles St. Anybody know anything about these and why they might have chosen to park it on a relatively crime-free block? I've also noticed MANY more cruisers driving around, but it just seems odd that they're right in the middle of Federal Hill... did something happen that I missed?

    Thanks, figured I'd check with you all since you seem to know what's going on in this town more than any other source I can see...

    PS--One More Murder is a good choice. "The Torture Never Stops" by Frank Zappa would also be an appropriate one...

  4. re: the Megan Meier story, I don't really get why the Journal newspapers have decided to protect the guilty in this instance, aside from a fear of being sued.

  5. Haven't heard anything! ... which doesn't mean much, I hear like 1/2000th of what goes on in this burg.
    federal hill's always had a lot of muggings and public intoxication-- maybe police are responding to resident requests for more patrols? That would be nice!

    With the Megan Meier thing... I'm sure her parents could file (and win) some sort of infliction-of-emotional-distress suit-- what jury wouldn't be moved? Maybe they want to move on.

    I can see why they didn't want to name names...people would burn their house down!

  6. What kind of parents would consent to the cyber-torture of an emotionally distressed child? What an f'ed up world we live in.
