Friday, November 16, 2007

November 16

Love it! Baltimore County sheriff’s deputies arrested 28 deadbeat parents.
Here's a link to the louts' gallery (thanks PP).

Former senator Thomas L. Bromwell got seven years in jail... and his wife got time too!

Blotter: Jamal Louis Randall, 18, was arrested for attempted murder.
And Shevon Green, 25, was busted for driving with 2,000 tabs of methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

Sentencing is scheduled today in Towson for tot-dragger Lazara Arellano De Hogue. UPDATE: She got 10 years.

HoCo police are urging residents to lock doors and windows and be on the lookout for a shoeless, Tasering home-invader/rapist.


  1. Yay for using the term "deadbeat parent" instead of "deadbeat dad" :)

  2. ppatin,

    If you look at the Sherrif’s site 2 of the people highlighted (1 per page) are women.

  3. The only downside to arresting the deadbeat parents is that now with an arrest record you might be further hurting their children by impeding their ability to get a job to pay child support.

    Of course I don't mean to say they shouldn't be punished I'm just wondering if arrsting them is the most effective way....

  4. anon:

    You are correct of course, however an arrest isn't that big a deal compared to say, a criminal conviction on your record. Besides, if it gets to the point where they arrest you for non-payment that means they've probably tried a lot of other things first.

  5. As to arresting those who are in arrears in child support, it does go both ways. You'd be shocked at the number who somehow "locate" additional "unknown" funds when actually facing jail time. Furthermore, extended families do tend to chip in when their beloved son or daughter is going to jail for unpaid support. Unfortunately you do have the cases where the party is tens of thousands of dollars in arrears, finally has a job, but is only making $350/wk. and will lose the job if jailed.

  6. The interesting thing about the Sherrif's web site is that all of the pictures look to have been from mug shots of some sort. So the arrest record may be something they already have. At least for the ones on the web site.

    In addition it's equal to child neglect in my mind. After all this is for "Child Support". So arrest away.

  7. If there's only 28 of them, I'm sure jail's the last resort for the serious scofflaws. Of course it makes more sense to have a parent able to work than the kids on assistance and the state paying to house & feed the lewzer parent... but for people who just won't support their kids there's got to be some dis-incentive eventually!

  8. That story is a reminder about why you should always use good quality condoms.

  9. Yeah if you click on "view a list" on the Sheriff's page there's 1,204 open warrants for deadbeats. So those 28 must be extra, super bad. FYI 106 of them are female (and three of them are gender "unknown"-- what's the story there?!)

  10. A cop was injured and a suspect was killed in an Annapolis shootout.

  11. I can't believe that one guy owes almost $120,000 in back child support. Jesus.

    As for arresting them...if the system works the same way as some other jurisdictions -- they're jailed, sent to jobs via work release, and they money they earn goes to pay off the child support debt. Quite effective, I think.

  12. I can confirm the post the other day about the public defender intimidating witnesses. The witnesses gave credible, tape recorded statements of what happened. The public defender is Louis Curran and his client is Muyiwa Ogundele (case numbers 107142037, 107142039, 107142041, and 107142043). Ogendele has been convicted two times before of handgun crimes and just given probation. He's also beat other charges of Attempted Murder before (I wonder if the witnesses were intimidated in that case, too). I hope an enterprising young journalist follows up on this (Julie Bykowicz?).

  13. Some will go to some lengths not to pay child support. My own father "forgot" for years and/or claimed poverty. Until he went to renew his passport for a planned vacation to France and was refused. He found the money somehow then and still managed to go on his trip!

  14. Y'know, thinking about about city councilperson MPC's absurd crime-management ideas, which include blaming the victim and an early curfew on bars, isn't it the case that the young assailants responsible for the crimes were themselves out after youth curfew ?

    So, isn't this all really about having too few police to enforce existing law ???

  15. Someone who knows---
    What post are you talking about? I hadn't heard about PD intimidating witnesses. As if the system isn't screwed up enough! - Marc

  16. Marc: Original comment on the PD witness intimidation was posted in the Nov. 15th comments section (anonymously of course).

  17. Baltimore features prominently in the L.A. Times Homicide Report.

    Note: our fair city is comparable in homicide rate to Watts, the very worst part of L.A. County.

    While I haven't found the NIJ study it refers to of recent date, there is a 1997 study which is interesting.

    Among other things, it notes that homicide is more correlated with total economic health of a city than its income inequality and that the positive correlation of violence with the price of cocaine may rflect that as prices increase, transaction quantities decrease, so the frequency of (risky) transactions increases.

    It is chronologially important because it was compiled just as the nation began a secular decrease in violence across cities.

    Note: some of the econometrics are quick and dirty.

  18. Not only is MPC freaked out by traditional bars; she's also concerned about the "serious problem" of nonalcoholic milk bars.

    See here for more on milk bars abroad.

  19. Milk bars make me think of A Clockwork Orange. Then again, the punks who beat Zach Sowers seem like Baltimore versions of Alex and his droogs.

  20. So, with the exception of food, what's the difference between a milk bar and a diner?
