Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November 20

Melvin Gilbert and Darron Goods were indicted for shooting witness John Dowery last Thanksgiving.
Here's the original story. Gilbert & Goods are allegedly members of the "Special" drug gang. (Was it hard to find spinning rims that fit the wheels on the short bus?)

Scandal! Last night Dixon suspended Anthony W. McCarthy, her communications director, "pending an investigation by the Baltimore County Police" regarding "inappropriate behavior." Please God, let it be gay bathroom sex!
UPDATE: JZ reports that County police spokesman Bill Toohey "said standard procedure in 'such cases' is to 'talk to the victim first and then, if necessary, to interview the subject.'" So someone was victimized by inappropriateness! Juicy!

The Post on the now-unraveling forensic trail that led to the conviction of county police sergeant James A. Kulbicki.

Nationwide, hate is haute, but Baltimore city isn't following the trend. Said NAACP president Jenkins Odoms, "Baltimore City is outrageous. It shows you how bad and how unprofessional that police department is.”
Here's a quality hate crime article from New York, and more on the increase in hate crimes from TDR.

Blotter: a woman stabbed her brother in the stomach, someone poured a bottle of gefilte fish in a Jewish family's mailbox, Charm City Cupcakes was burgled, an old guy was mugged by teenagers in Hampden, and more!

A federal jury rejected a former legal secretary’s claim that she was wrongfully fired from the Baltimore office of McGuireWoods LLP for taking time to care for her ailing mother.

Jail time for convicted poodle-slayer Celeste Rainone.


  1. "Was it hard to find spinning rims that fit the wheels on the short bus?"

    Best line I've heard in quite a while!

  2. Hearing ass-clowns like “Doc” Cheatham run their mouths sure fills me with hate...

  3. Yeah, I think your "backwards hats on people not giving blowjobs" comment a while back still tops it, though...

  4. The Sun's Anthony McCarthy article is actually pretty insighful, compared to the Examiner's.

  5. really, now, a backwards baseball hat, what is the point?!

    Thanks for the link Trav I was just looking for that, I'll switch them out. The Examiner story is not very helpful!

  6. Does any of those knuckleheads (like Doc) actually read the FBI report? Race based hate crime is DOWN! Its the other so-called hate crimes that are up.

    That doesn't mean that our city is under-reporting race based hate crime. I believe it is quite a bit higher than reported, but not in the way Doc is stating. If hate crimes were actually reported I believe a hell of all more African-Americans would be on the wrong side of the court-room.

    As for hating the police, well, then he needs to hate their boss, Mayor Dixon.

  7. This one's for Patin.

    The Supreme Court is accepting the D.C. gun-control case.
