Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November 21

Maryland correctional authorities are investigating the death Monday night of Baltimore City Detention Center inmate Xavier A. Tilghman, 21, as a homicide.

The Ink reports four murders from November 10 - 18 and names names: Carlos Smithson, John Morris, Kendrick Bowman and Herbert Lemon. Plus updates.

Police have arrested Makel Sheheed, 18, for shooting a woman November 14.

"Baltimore police are spreading 'misinformation' in an attempt to trick people out of filing false-arrest lawsuits, the Maryland ACLU said Tuesday."

Blotter: a man was shot during a robbery in the Southern, a guy was jumped by four people for his wallet on Eastern Avenue, and the 25th Street Subway was robbed by three guys, one with a semiautomatic handgun.

"The Baltimore fire and police departments are investigating an incident with apparent racial overtones that occurred early today at a fire station in which two paramedics said they found a threatening note and a piece of rope." The rope wasn't in a noose, but a knot, if you believe Gus instead of the local TV stations. Said the note, "we can't hang the cheaters but we can hang the failures." (Not without a noose you can't!)

No noose is good noose

Whom do you believe-- was there a noose or knot?

Gus at the Sun -- it was just a knotted rope
Local TV stations-- it was a noose


  1. I am so sick of all this noose hysteria. Part of me wants to hang a noose from my bedroom window as a way of telling the whiners to suck it up and stop being such babies. That would probably get my house vandalized or firebombed though.

  2. Yup, and then no one would snitch on whomever is responsible...

    Or better yet, a few people would beat you up and Doc Cheatem would call for us to free the baltimore six.

    If only there were IQ minimums for voting and serving in an elected capacity...

  3. Nooses were used to hang German war criminals after WW2. To someone whose ancestors died because of the Nazis a noose could be a symbol of justice and freedom.

  4. ... now it's a symbol of how any a-hole can cause a hysterical media frenzy... and they don't even have to know how to tie one! Tack up a tangled shoelace and Gigi Barnett will be knocking on your door.

  5. It's amazing how many nooses are actually place by the "victim" just to draw attention. Classic Munchausen Syndrome.

  6. So I watched the 11 o'clock news on WBAL-- they showed the rope and note-- the rope just looked like a rope, it didn't even look like it had a knot in it, but the anchor called it a "noose" anyway! The note looked like it was written by an eight-year-old.

    Then "Doc" got on with how dramatically offensive it was. Wouldn't it be nice if for a change the NAACP didn't embrace victimhood? How about, "firefighters risk their lives in seriously dangerous situations and are not about to be fazed by rope and a doodle. Whoever left this is a fuckup and needs to get a life."

    But then "Doc" would be out of a job eh?

  7. Unless someone's neck is in it and their feet aren't touching the ground, it's no crime at all.

  8. Another murder last night. Only the second one in the past week though, and at this rate it looks like we may keep it under 300 this year.

  9. If there is no one to report the crime (i.e. cybrarian's absence), is there still crime?

    I'm torn on the 300 number. It certainly would push the issue of crime to the forefront, unfortunately to accomplish that goal, people must die.

    If you told me 1 month ago we wouldn't hit 300, I'd laugh. Now I'm not so sure.

  10. When the Koran promises martyrs 21 virgins after dying for Islam, little did the suicide bombers imagine that the 21 virgins look like this.
