Friday, December 7, 2007

Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Day

Jury selection is set to begin at 2 p.m. this afternoon in 236 Mitchell Courthouse West for Eric Price, Trayvon Ramos, Arthur Jeter and Wilburt Martin, the suspects who allegedly beat Zach Sowers into a coma.

In an unusual move, the Feds will seek the death penalty against Harry Burton, 28, of the Latrobe gang of East Baltimore. Burton is charged in the murder of Maurice "Smokey" Ireland, the attempted murder of Gary Creek on January 27, 2003 the murder of Michael "Mike-Mike" Jones on May 19, 2003 and in the death Valencia Jones on June 20, 2003.

Broadwater summarizes November's 17 homicides, and notes that four of the killers would have been in jail but for suspended sentences or “good time” credits in prison.

Bus-attack victim Sarah Kreager was interviewed by Fox's Karen Parks. (Unfortunately the audio is cut off in the last few seconds)
Transit police support Kreager's claim that the attack was unprovoked, and police say that at the time the incident reports were taken, no witness reported any spitting or knife being pulled. The MTA spokesman says that there's surveillance video of the rolling hellhole, and that they are investigating "the incident" as a racially motivated hate crime.

In other teenager news, a 41-year-old woman was pelted with snowballs and robbed near Hopkins Hospital, and six more violent street robberies in the Blotter.

QTD: "Crime is like gymnastics. It really is a young person’s sport. If you incapacitate a 15- or 16-year-old for a year, you can prevent more crime than if you imprison a 22-year-old for life." -- FL State Attorney Harry Shorstein

In the county, Lisa A. Dieter was granted conditional release yesterday from a psychiatric hospital. In 2002 she told her daughter, nine-year-old Alana Anne Dieter, to take off her seatbelt, then crashed their car into a tree. The daughter died, Dieter pleaded guilty but was found not criminally responsible because of mental illness.


  1. So when will one of the news organizations get the video from the bus? Are we going to have to wait till after the trial? or never?

  2. I guess it would be up to the MTA to release it or not... and if the perps are tried as juveniles then yeah, we may never see it unless an MTA empolyee leaks it to YouTube or something.

  3. Hey, I hope Sarah Kreager's story checks out - it'll make it easier to put the attackers away. It does make the whole episode that much more horrifying, though.

  4. Just imagine how many crimes could be prevented if we'd simply incarcerate Baltimore offspring at birth ??

  5. I recently saw an old episode of Homcide where a mob beat a bus driver to death. The singled out 3 people as "First Shove", "First Punch", "First Kick". Those three were charged with the murder everyone else was just charged with the riot offenses.

    So I wonder if they will single out those who started it/did the worset damage, and charge them as adults while the rest are charged as juvies.

    I know it is just a TV show but sometimes life imitates art.

  6. I have to admit that I was surprised to see prominent media coverage this morning, w/r/t treating the bus beating as a hate crime. Although I'm not a huge fan of The Drudge Report, I wonder if the fact it appeared on that site yesterday afternoon had any relation to the increased scrutiny of how this is being investigated?

  7. i wonder how much effort dixon is putting into concealing the contents of that tape. the story is bad enough, but imagine seeing a bus load of people do absolutely effing nothing as these kids struck a WOMAN.

    these kids should be jailed at the zoo--watching them fight each other in a large pen would probably bring in the visitors the bmore zoo needs.

    btw, do they still have that sign which lists all the things they pull out of the polar bear pit?
