Thursday, December 6, 2007

Five- and 25-Year Sentences in Robbery/Murder

At a hearing today just before their scheduled murder trials were scheduled to begin, Kendrick McCain, 16, of the 700 block of McCabe Avenue and Lataye Shyreise King, 17, of the 1900 block of E. 31st Street both pled guilty for their involvement in the murder of Nicole Edmonds, 17. King pled guilty to first-degree murder, and Judge Martin P. Welch sentenced her to life in prison suspending all but 25 years. McCain pled guilty to conspiracy to commit robbery and second-degree assault, and, under terms of the plea agreement announced in open court, will be sentenced to 15 years in prison, with all but a cap of five years suspended. Judge Welch scheduled McCain’s sentencing for February 4, 2008. Details:
On November 7, 2006 McCain and King approached Nicole Edmonds and her brother as they exited the MTA Light Rail Train at the W. North Avenue station. Nicole’s brother was thrown to the ground and a jacket was pulled over his head and that as Nicole ran away, she was chased, caught and fatally stabbed by King. Assistant State’s Attorney Paul O’Connor prosecuted the case.


  1. Two down, thousands to go.

    We need to spend more effort locking them up and not talking about 'improving' them, because fixing schools mostly fails.

  2. I find it disturbing that King only gets 25 yrs for taking the life of another intentionally. King chased after her and then stabbed her. Why chase after her? To try and kill her by stabbing? So King goes away for 25 years and probably out early on good behavior. It’s no wonder the murder rate is so high in Baltimore.

  3. the light sentences these perps got aren't making me feel any better about the safety of public transportation in Baltimore.

  4. If it makes you feel any better, the sentence was life with all but 25 suspended. Odds are that after serving 15 of so, he'll be out. Soon thereafter I would be willing to wager a V.O.P. hearing will occur for some violation and it'll be back for life.
