Thursday, December 6, 2007

Statement from Mayor Sheila Dixon about Attack on City Bus

city logo

“As we get more information from the Baltimore City Public School System and the Maryland Transit Authority (MTA) about Tuesday’s incident on the Number 27 bus, I am extremely concerned. This incident was deplorable. I will not tolerate intimidation or violence anywhere in our city.

I am committed to working with our neighboring jurisdictions and the State Department of Juvenile Services to decrease the incidents of juvenile crime and violence. Reducing juvenile crime is essential to improved public safety in Baltimore City.

I have offered the MTA whatever assistance they need to investigate this incident, and to do our part to ensure the public transportation system is safe for everyone.”

- Mayor Sheila Dixon

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  1. I love how this statement in NO way even mentions the victim. Only "the incident", and "juvenile crime". This is very indicative of how the city of Baltimore looks at crime and criminals--and not at the people who really are suffering. I'm sure there will be an investigation that follows, perhaps some resignations at the school where these a-holes "attend", and then maybe the kids can present at the BET awards. Gimme a break.

  2. Why Dixon doesn't acknowledge the suffering of--and harm done to-- the victim boggles my mind. Still, I'm surprised that she even took some time out from her exhaustive inaugural schedule to give a statement. I thought she would blow it off completely.

  3. FYI, I confirmed with MTA that this incident happened in Hampden by Chestnut Ave., not (for once) in Waverly.

  4. Some how or another it will be George Bush's and Bob Erhlichs fault.

  5. The noose is still on her mind. She still sees racism in that firehouse just like Cheatum. The race of the victim has no representation in Baltimore.

  6. I'd be happy if these kids were given 200 lashings as punishment.

    Forget jail, probation... I just want lashings.

  7. It's a shame because if this woman was black you wouldn't be hearing about this. The racism in this case makes me sick. This brings back case of Emmit Till. He crossed the line by whistling at a white woman. These kids cross the line by jumping a white woman and now the god damm mayor has to release a statement!

    It's a damm shame a white woman gets attacked or goes missing and the damm world has to stop.

  8. Not true... if the roles were reversed Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be here and we would have another Jenna 6. Personally to me it doesnt matter what color any of them were. It was a crime and it should be treated as a crime.

  9. i am sorry to say that i am not surprised that this is a race issue (see above). While race may have been an issue in this attack, it should not be in the discussion of it.

    We all need to get over it. We are all baltimorians, and we need to stand up against violence.

  10. > We all need to get over it. We are all baltimorians, and we need to stand up against violence.

    What we need to do is stop using crap cliches. I ask you, Sir Anonymous, what does it mean that I should "stand up against violence"?

    Language matters, and the newspeak is beating us all down.

  11. What. Ever. Dixon is full of crap and she's probably hoping that this will blow over so she can keep crowing about how we're now on track to being under 300 homicides this year. As if that's truly an accomplishment.

    In the meantime we have so many assaults going on (this one, the stabbings on Myrtle and the incident at Morgan State being only the most recent examples) that seem to result from so much NOTHING. This wasn't a robbery gone bad, it was a bunch of kids behaving like thugs and beating the hell out of someone just because they could.

    I don't think race had a whole lot to do with it in the end. And the hell of it is, there just doesn't seem to be any real outrage at any of this.

    At least the Police Commissioner got a nice salary bump (15%!) in the middle of all this.

  12. I agree with 'fish that the language is worth noting-- especially how "incident" and "juvenile" are the most-used terms. "Incident" as in, just something that happens, like the weather. "Juvenile," like a childish prank. The bloodless language makes it all come off as "I'm issuing a statement because my communications director says I have to... but kids will be kids and stuff happens."

  13. WAIT! Did anyone read the above comment that equated these thugs with the innocent Emmitt Till? The sheer idiocy of that post left me breathless. We really are doomed as a city if this know nothing typifies the majority of this inhabitants of this lawless dump.

  14. I meant to say "the inhabitants"....
    Yep, the poor little angels "crossed the line by jumping a white woman". Gee, I guess that should be legal, I mean the sweet little cherubs are just blowing off a little steam. And don't worry, brilliant poster, the world only stopped briefly, as the dear youths were released back into the loving arms of their parents. Now they can return to their lives, resuming their quest for knowledge.
