Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 23

Lisa Holley was hospitalized for a week after being beaten in her home on the 2700 block of Pelham Ave. Holley died on Monday, and her boyfriend has been arrested and charged with first-degree murder.

Anna Ditkoff takes a look at the homicides at 2007. There are also some very interesting statistics, and (of course) a few new names and updates in Murder Ink.

AAC police have officially said that the double murder in Annapolis was, in fact, a double murder. In the same article, a cabby in Annapolis totally screwed up a robber's plan.

50-year-old Dr. Lorraine Fertsch has been missing since Sunday, when she was last seen near Union Memorial.

Alleged convenience store robber Gary Carpenter tried and convicted himself at the Cecil County jail.

Sean Nelson Smith got convicted, but Nicholas Porter and Vance Major got off. Meanwhile, the Sun offers a look at the life of Smith and his activist mother, Mildred Samy.

Justin Switzer got 13 years for making meth in an AAC cemetery. Now, he just wants to "get back into college."

A bit more about the case of the Charles Village stabber. (Wasn't that an Encyclopedia Brown book?)

I'm confused. Last week, Dr. Sharfstein said we needed to get illegal bupe off the streets. Today, an article in the Examiner reports that the good doctor says illegal bupe is overhyped. What's the deal?


  1. Holy crap. That's my doctor who's missing.

  2. If I was a reporter I'd ask Tyler Cowen explain why that's a rotten idea.

  3. Cyb, I read some of the comments after the test-score payment article in the Sun. Hm. Seems like the general public isn't very happy about the idea, and nor am I.

    Frankly I think it sets a really crappy example for the kids who DO study and try hard -- and for the parents who make education a priority.
