Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Servers Targeted?

From a Roland Park neighborhood crime alert:
"Last night, January 21, at approximately 8:45 pm, a female employee of Loco Hombre was taking a break in the back of the restaurant and was approached by a male who demanded her apron. She did not have one. He rummaged through her pockets and took $5, black book of customer credit card receipts, and her cell phone.

Deputy Major Smith reported that detectives are assigned to this case and that he is fairly certain that this was a crime of opportunity and it does not match any robbery trends in the area."

It may not constitute a trend (yet), but this does sound similar to the robbery of three employees of the nearby Ambassador Dining Room on January 1, and there have been a higher-than-usual number of "opportunity" thefts in the Evergreen area lately, so be advised, Tuscans, Evergreeners and waitstaffs.

.. in other news, 70-year-old Marie Bellamy pleaded guilty to filing a false tax return, which helped one Joseph Poteat, age 61, of Danville, Virginia, bilk "investors" out of $17 million in an old-fashioned pyramid scheme.


  1. Folks, Patrice Marriott had a previous handgun conviction in 1995 while living at the Marriott home. He had a drug conviction here last august which should have kept him in prison through 8/09, but it was suspended after 30 days, allowing him to reoffend from the haven of the Marriott home in Park Heights in May, again including gun charges.

    How can Salima Marriott claim that she is not contributing to our crime problem ?

    Am I missing something?

    And I'm 100% certain this has only become public because the Project Exile apprehensions (including Patrice Marriott) were were federal. If the BCPD was on its own, I'm quite certain it would have never seen the light of day.

  2. Oooh, oooh, I finally found a really bad Baltimore Sun typo. It was in the article covering the murder of Lisa Holley.

    "After an autopsy yesterday, Her death was ruled homicide by blunt-force trauma after an autopsy, Moses said."

