Thursday, January 24, 2008

January 24

It started with an egg, and ended with the murder of 73-year-old Korean War vet and retired Bethlehem Steel worker George Linwood King.

In the Blotter: a shooting, another shooting, an armed robbery, another armed robbery, a maybe armed robbery, a failed armed robbery, a jackass husband, and a dozen people who really wanted to brush their teeth.

A transgendered woman talks to JZ'a Adam May about being attacked outside of Old Town Mall.

Dr. Lorraine Fertsch is still missing, and she might be suicidal.

The murder trial of Rasul M. Brown was scheduled to start today. Brown is charged with killing 16-year-old Marcus McDowell last January.
UPDATE: Jury selection is going on right now (4:30 p.m.)

A registered sex offender in HarCo was indicted on 23 counts of being a perv.

Some local Jews are facing up to the fact that there are, indeed, pervs in every walk of life.

Residents of Bay Ridge Gardens in Annapolis are "petrified" and "staying in their house" after the double murder of Cecelia Brown and Charles Cully Jr. Police have no motive and no suspects. Brown was disabled and in a wheelchair, and she was "such a nice person."


  1. I hardly ever post trials that are about to start because it is so unusual that they'll start when they're supposed to! The prosecution isn't ready, the defense isn't ready, a courtroom can't be found...
    if Rasul's trial actually started today it would be shocking!

  2. I was thinking that when I posted it. The post is foreshadowing to a future post about either (a) a postponement, or (b) a plea bargain.

    We could always start a pool. How many years will Rasul get for killing a 16-year-old kid who didn't do anything wrong? State your prediction of the full sentence, followed by how many years are suspended.

  3. Chuck:

    IF Rasul actually goes to trial and IF he is convicted then I predict that he will get life, probably without the possibility of parole. Tough sentences appear to be the norm when people are actually convicted. The problem is that people so rarely go to trial! The outrageous sentences like "life with all but three years suspended" are always the result of pleas.

  4. Hm! Well! What do we know about Judge Howard... he's a Roland Park pissy pelican, appointed in 2006. Rasul Brown's got a long and violent record.

    Looking at what previous killers of 6-year-olds have gotten in the old archives, "Juanita Robinson, 27, was arrested for the murder of Andre McBride, 21. She had been charged with first-degree murder of a 16-year-old and convicted, but served only six months of a 10-year suspended sentence."

    Then again, the killer of 16-year-old Ronny Martin got Life + 3 years.

    It sounds like this case is going to be based on witness testimony, so there's another wild card!

    I'll say because of witness issues it'll plea down to less than 10 years. How about 15 with all but 7 suspended. Why not.

  5. Hey, jury selection in te Rasul Brown thing is going on right now! Call me a monkey's uncle!

  6. So while I'm still waiting for the trial for my carjacking to take place (now scheduled for March), here's more news from campus - one of my classmates was assaulted (jumped, rather) by a group of teenagers for no obvious reason the other day. At 2:10 in the afternoon. Right next to the police substation on Pratt St. Fabulous.

  7. I don't want to give away any spoilers so I won't say much, but if anyone else catches the Homicide reference in episode 4 of The Wire I will bake you cookies!

  8. well, people, I will say this about Sheila Dixon: She would never be caught doing this...

  9. ppatin I won't get the cookies but I would like to say that I am in Ep. 2. I was inside the Penn restaurant with my friends eating lunch while they filmed that scene at the corner of Pratt & Penn St. Ok, so I'm not REALLY IN the scene but I promise you I am right inside that window.

    I've been waiting like a year for that episode.
