Thursday, January 24, 2008

Medical Students Assaulted

The University of MD at Baltimore reports two incidents of juveniles punching medical students in the face for no apparent reason.
(Thanks Lucid)


  1. I wonder what race were the students and the preps ?

    Was this a hate crime ?

  2. class is the question, not race..

    but go ahead and worry about race if you like to

  3. Culture, not class or race.
    You can be poor and share the value that it's not okay to go around punching people for no reason.

  4. You can also be rich and make that assumption. Ever go to a Federal Hill bar near closing time?

    I'm just sayin'....

  5. Maybe we need another hate crime, based upon social class? ;-) If there is more than 50K income difference between perp and victim, it could be classfied as a hate crime. Try taking that to a Baltio jury!

  6. Considering medical students are in a negative income tax bracket (I am a state resident and I am still taking almost $40k a year in loans at 6.8% interest) you can't really use "income" to define social class in this case.

    I can't speak to a "hate crime" at least not at this time. I can say that the student assaulted on the 21st was Asian. I have not confirmed who the student from the assault on the 19th is, though I have been told it was a certain person. The 2nd year class has an exam on Monday so everyone has pretty much gone to their separate quarters for studying purposes and I haven't been able to check with this person and confirm. However, if I do confirm that person as the victim from the 19th, then motivations concerning race would be a source of speculation, as that person is also Asian.

    I don't think this discussion needs to snowball out of control, especially considering there are so few confirmed details. So keep it civil and level-headed ok? (Not that any of you would ever deviate from such a logical and responsible system of dialogue).

  7. i guess if your black you can beat up on whites and its not a hate crime

  8. The whole "hate crime" concept is stupid. If you shoot someone for his wallet he's just as screwed as if you shoot him because of his race.
