Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12

Nicholas Browning was indicted on four counts of murder and handgun charges. He is on special watch, and is being observed by medical staff at the Baltimore County jail. My guess is he's sad that he can't drive that sweet Expedition.

The body found in Bel Air on Saturday has been ID'd as 57-year-old Paul Michael Shupe. Cause of death hasn't been determined, but there are no outward signs of foul play.

Prison justice is alive and well.

It's a bad news day for the BPD. Officer Salvatore Rivieri got caught on YouTube harassing some of Baltimore's most dangerous criminals. Officer Christopher Vallejo was found guilty of second-degree assault for attacking a woman in Federal Hill last September when he was off-duty. A woman in Baltimore filed a $40M lawsuit because Officer Ray Woodward allegedly punched her 16-year-old son in the face and broke his jaw for no apparent reason.

It's also a bad news day for (alleged) rapists. Dwight Carter was arrested and charged with raping a 13-year-old friend of his step-sister. Thomas J. Grant was given two consecutive life sentences for the 1979 rape and murder of Sheila "Sis" Bazemore Rascoe. Cortlandt Harvey Dorsey pleaded guilty to raping a 56-year-old Kenyan tourist in 2006.

And there's been bad news for people who eat: A couple was robbed in Little Italy while taking a walk after dinner, a pizza delivery guy in Pikesville was robbed of money and pizza, and a gunman ordered food at a Dunkin Donuts on Reisterstown Rd. and then stole the contents of two cash registers. No word on whether or not he got away with any donuts.


  1. "Investigators also believe the inmates attacked Fox because he had bragged about his toughness"

    I guess he was wrong in that assumption.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Officer assaults woman at Cross and West streets?

    Those streets run parallel to each other.

    Either the Sun isn't doing its research (shocker, I know) or it's a puzzler like "what is the sound of one hand clapping?"

  4. Altar Boy: I don't think the City PD tolerates mediocrity, they just don't have the money to do any better. Every surrounding jurisdiction pays their cops better, gives them better equipment, and offers a much, much better work environment. Hell, even Washington DC does better. A friend of mine is currently in training with the Metropolitan Police Department in DC, and their starting pay is something like 50% higher than in Baltimore! You get what you pay for. Also, there are plenty of good cops in the Baltimore PD. Unfortunately the knuckleheads and socipaths in the department ruin things for everyone.

  5. I had three police officers in my cafe today, and I would put them in the "Good Cop" category. We've been getting some really good officers in our district lately - I hope they get to stay for a long time.

    Unfortunately, it wasn't always like this, and I had all but given up on the police. It was just easier to take care of things myself than to call and wait for officers who didn't give a damn...if they showed up at all.

    Nice to see things can (and do) change.

  6. Carol, your cafe is in the Southwestern, right? Seems like there was an effort to clean things up down there after all the bad press about the dirty cops a few years ago. (I can't think of the cops' names, and I'm too tired to Google it. You know the guys I mean, right?)

  7. Are you talking about the Jemini Jones and his buddies in the flex squad? Or am I getting my BPD scandals mixed up?
