Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I am Not a Dude!

It's cop v. skateboarder!
(Thanks Marc)

Here's where you can find your sample ballot for today's primary. Did you know you're also voting on judges and delegates? Who knew?


  1. Gas for your mom to drop you off downtown. $5

    Lunch in Harborplace with your boys. $10

    Getting put in a headlock and asked from a City Police,"are you from the county?"


    I'm guessing we will find out that the cop had asked them to quit their skating a few times before, but that never will excuse putting a 14 year old punk in a headlock and pushing him to the ground twice. Glad to see the BPD have evolved into equal opportunity haters. I wonder if CitiStat can find the link between murders being down and county skateboarder attacks going up?

  2. That's incredible. It's got to be the uniform. When I was young I was "caught" skateboarding too many times to count. Each time I was respectful to the authority figure. I'm not sure I would have been if they pulled up in a clown car dressed as a bumble bee.

  3. imagine if instead of tampering with crime scenes and creating an imaginary serial killer, mcnulty took his aggression out on harborplace skater punks. he'd probably be too intoxicated to realize they were his own kids.

    i realize the buggy is used to navigate through harborplace, but what's with the yellow uni? i imagine if i were those kids i probably would have laughed at "Officer Rivieri", which might explain his aggression.

  4. "You got that camera on? If I find myself on You..."

    That's some good police work there, Lou.

  5. I hope they do him. Rough and hard.

  6. The arrogant little prick deserved what he got.

    The cop screwed up by touching the kid. He's toast.
