Friday, February 8, 2008

February 8

Police are investigating the shooting death of Kamia Hair, 25, found in the 1800 block of Bolton Street by her son.

Children "in Baltimore are eight times more likely to die from homicides as children nationwide or in Maryland as a whole," and twice as likely to die of injuries.

Related: Julie B. interviews the self-described "most kindest person in the world," methadone-murder mom Vernice "Peaches" Harris.

Phillip Queen was arrested Wednesday in the death of three-year-old Jabari Stocks last June.

Charming funeral director robbed grieving families, got 4 1/2 years in federal pokey.

Three men and a woman were arrested last night during a raid in the McCulloh Homes in West Baltimore and have been charged with multiple drug violations.

Examineratorial: student protests a waste of time


  1. Del. Donald H. Dwyer wants a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in Maryland. What a dickhead. There are plenty of real problems to deal with, and this douche has nothing better to do than to try to amend the state constitution to prevents gays from getting hitched.

  2. It would be nice if our legislators would all try to fix the parts of Maryland's criminal justice system which are broken instead of catering to the right.

    But Barbara Tuchman said the politicians mostly cater to the right.

  3. He's probably just trying to get it on the ballot to increase Republican turnout. It worked so well in 2004, or so we were told.

  4. It may have worked back in 2004, but I think by now most people have come to their senses, realized that it's an issue that doesn't affect you if you're not gay, and stopped caring. The O'Malley tax hike will do far more to bring conservatives to the polls than some silly anti-gay marriage amendment.

  5. nah, conservatives will vote with their feet and head to pa/va/wv.

    which is a shame really. this state needs to experience some difference of opinion. how long have busch/miller been in office? 20 years? dictatorship by the legislature.

  6. I think Michael Busch has only been speaker since 2002. Mike Miller's been around forever though. I agree that both of those slimeballs need to be dragged out of the state house and tossed into the bay, but guys like Don Dwyer are NOT a good alternative.

  7. true enough about busch; i might have been thinking of how long he has actually been in office.

    and true, while i don't know all that much about dwyer's politics, he seems like a conservative version of the above--all about making a name and getting whatever press he can.

    i just wish that corruption and malfeasance were not directly correlated with time spent in office, because maryland legislators, and specifically baltimore delegates, have a lifetime's work in front of them.

  8. Delegate Dwyer looks like a pirahna.

    I completely agree with Ppatin though - there are far more important issues to be concerned with in maryland than gay marriage.

    If the legislators wanted to cater to the right, they would push for stricter criminal justice policies, especially in a cash cow like baltimore city. Could you imagine how much more lucrative the city could be if people weren't scared of being robbed, raped and/or shot?

  9. I loved the Examiner's editorial about those silly protesters in Annapolis.

  10. "I don't want to see nobody without anything"

    Peaches sure has a way with words, doesn't she?

  11. Yeah, how sad is that (the student protestors), all of that energy and drive but no one "did their homework" to figure out what they were for or against and to whom they should be delivering the message. And now they have arrest records.

    I guess that's the way with high school-- hours upon hours of European history and ancient literature, but not a word on the structure of local government.

    (though if you're going to take the effort to build some kind of cardboard coffin, it seems like you could take the time to Google that kind of thing)
