Friday, February 8, 2008

A Year for Doobage

.. technically, anyway:

In a 20-minute hearing today on a defense motion to quash a 20-year-old bench warrant for failing to appear in court for sentencing on a decades old marijuana charge, the Honorable John N. Prevas sentenced Britt D. Glenn, 42, of California to one year in prison for possession of marijuana. The court continued his pending assault case for a hearing on March 17.

The Court of Special Appeals of Maryland ruled in 1986 that Britt was entitled to a new trial following a conviction for assault with intent to murder. At that time, he was also convicted, but never sentenced on the marijuana charge and never appeared for trial on the assault charge following the Court’s ruling. Judge Milton Allen issued a bench warrant when he failed to appear.

At the hearing today, prosecutors noted that Glenn has been a fugitive from justice for over 20 years and had not been sentenced for the marijuana conviction and was out on bond at the time the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland ruled in 1986. Mark Cohen, Homicide Chief, prosecuted today’s hearing.


  1. Unbelievable! I lived near him in the same West Towson neighborhood in the 70's. He and his older brother were bad news and always creating trouble wherever they went. As I recall not too much parental involvement with the boys!

  2. I know both
    brothers as well and as I recall the older brother was the bad seed. and the older brothers friends the kid britt was much much younger and the mother was an absent mother left the kid at the ripe age of 14 to go pursue her career and go to Italy for a few mths and left little britt in the care of his father who at the time was a Big shot attorney at the time and never had any time for the boys He had to work,he was a child and needed his mother and the the mother should have never left those kids knowing that the dad worked long hours.and unfortunatly britt had to hang out with his older brother! the one who was Quite the big bully! NOT Little BRITT! guilty of circumstance by being a latch key child and having an older abusive brother with bully friends!
    Its the typical case of poor little redheaded boy that used to wear corrective glasses being picked on and abused his whole entire youth.. by a bunch of kids, kids that had way too much unsupervised time on there hands.
    not sure who to blame.. the kid was a very good hearted kid, I feel that if it wasn't for peer pressure and his brother and his brothers friends i am sure he would never have been involved in any of this Crap..
    .. He wanted to be a lawyer like his dad one day.. he had high hopes for his life. as I recall.

    I think he has already suffered too much. Let him pick up the pieces of his broken life and .. move forward.
    I wish him the best .

  3. Britt was my good friend in 7th grade etc-I agree with "Annonmyous" while besides the stated-he-ol
    der brother-Scott-and friends-were always playing-carrying knives-horse play with them to combine tempers and substance abuse-so I was not suprised-while it is sad. There house was defiantley a spot for drugs-crime etc with little supervision around. CB
