Sunday, March 16, 2008

Club Choices = Portal to Hell!

Officer Anthony Jobst was shot in the foot and officer Hayden Gross was grazed by a bullet during a shootout with a suspect, Anthony Blache, after they pursued his Audi as it left the vicinity of Club Choices. Blache was wearing illegal, Omar-esque body armor but is nevertheless in critical condition at Shock Trauma.

Other Club Choices incidents:It's the devil's disco!


  1. Question: why was Blache out on the loose?

    He had been convicted of CDS with intent to distribute and then was charged with assault with a handgun.

    He was convicted of assault but the County's SA nolle prossed the gun charge. The counseling facility commented that this defendant should be "watched closely" after completing his probation.

    That was two years ago.

    And now he's shooting cops while wearing body armor.

    Another good argument against rolling back mandatory minimums on drugdealers. They graduate to bigger and better things.

  2. I'm glad I'm not Club Choices insurance company. But my guess is that nobody has thought to sue the Club for inadequate security since everything seems to happen outside and around it. Betcha, 4-1, nobody has tried. A few good lawsuits might put them out of business. Of course, they might not even bother to have such a stupid thing as insurance, in any case.

    I guess Blache watched the Wire a little too much. I like Omar, too, but don't want to go around emulating him. I guess his treatment for domestic violence was not terribly successful. Can we turn the life support off now!?

    My hunch is the SA nolle prossed the handgun charge to get Mr. Blache to plead to 2nd degree assault.

  3. I just searched the Sun's archive as well, and there's nothing for the blotter article from 2/28. What the hell kind of crappy newspaper doesn't make its archived articles available to the people who are paying for access to archived articles?

  4. I think the liquor board should pull Club Choice's license. It's a pity they aren't in Mary Pat Clarke's district, she could go after them like she went after The Den.

    "I guess Blache watched the Wire a little too much. I like Omar, too, but don't want to go around emulating him. "

    Omar would'nt have shot it out with the cops. "A man's gotta have a code" ;)

  5. Newsflash: Liquor establishments are responsible principally for the management and conduct of their staff. Additionally, because of the nature of the product they bear some responsibility for calling upon law enforcement to remove unruly patrons from the facility.

    They are not, however, responsible for the conduct (particularly the criminal misconduct) of patrons, particularly once said patrons have left the premises.

    Baltimore has a real penchant for assigning the responsibility for its lousy population to things or institutions.

    Man up. Your people rot. Punish them accordingly. That's what criminal justice is all about.

  6. For some reason which may have to do with musical preference, criminals appear to be found with high frequency at Choices. The same could be said of Baltimore City.

    Padlock Baltimore City.

  7. A better approach would be for a bunch of Parole Officers to go to Choices on a Saturday night and violate any clients for associating with known felons.
