Sunday, March 16, 2008


"Victims' fund assists felons."

A double shooting last night in the 2900 hundred block of Garrison Boulevard.

A police officer was shot in the foot this morning.

The City school system paid $123,000 to two former employees who had alleged racial discrimination.


  1. Anna Sowers may be forced into bankruptcy, but the state is paying tens of thousands of dollars to thugs and gang-bangers? Jeeezus christ. It's enough to make a person vote Republican...

  2. Maybe she should hook up with that fancy, schmancy lawyer cited in the Sun article to get the state to assist with some or all or her medical bills.

    The notion of suing the criminals who were convicted is decent, but: I doubt that many, if any, lawyers would take the case (no deep pockets), and even if she won and got a judgment, it would not be collectible, since it is unlikely these defendants or their families have much in the way of assets.

  3. "The idea: A government is responsible for protecting its citizens and should compensate victims when it fails to do so. Every state now has a program."

    If they want to make up for failing to protect us, why don't they purchase firearms for us?

    I guess my larger problem with that rationale is no where in the Constitution does it say that the government will compensate you if it doesn't uphold what are "God-given" rights (note, not rights that come from the origination of the staate). Right of redress is one thing, but compensation? Think of the worst case scenario: Sowers has to pay tax dollars to the fund so that when those a-holes get gang-raped in prison they can afford some sutures. Terrible.

  4. ok scratch the taxes paying for the fund, but if she gets caught speeding...

  5. buz:

    Anna Sowers is already planning on suing Zach's attackers. She found a lawyer who'll take the case pro-bono, because the chances of collecting any significant amounts of money are pretty much non-existent.

  6. While the fantasy of everyone carrying guns and fighting off criminals is amusing, even a seductive one, the reality is that gang members routinely do battle with each and the police, all of which care guns. If you think they will be intimidated by random citizens carrying firearms, you're mistaken.

    One only need to look to the middle-ages, when government control was weak and everyone carried the sidearms of their era- axes, knives, and other cutting instruments to show what would happen if everyone in Baltimore was armed.

  7. When's the last time you heard of hoodlums in Baltimore actually shooting it out with the cops?

  8. Charles and Lafayette?! Club Choices strikes again!!
