Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 13

A 22-year-old was murdered on Spelman Rd. in Cherry Kill last night. He's the third murder victim there this year.

The person who was killed on Edgecombe Circle on Tuesday morning was 16-year-old Tavon Burks.

Let me get this straight. 15-year-old Tyisha Brown (#21) was missing for three weeks before anyone -- her teachers, her friends, her father -- thought to question where she was?

It's cases like this -- the rape trial of twice-convicted sex-offender Eugene Waller -- that make me hope there is a special place in hell for defense attorneys.

Angry and outraged yet? Pissed off at the incompetence of our government officials? Disgusted with the citizens of Baltimore? If not, try reading the story about 15-year-old Farron Tates.

Okay, now for some good news. The State's Attorney's Office hearts the BPD, and maybe you should too. "... in 2006 her prosecutors had to throw out one in three criminal charges. Last year, only about one in five cases could not go forward."

Byron Alonzo Huff was already serving 30 years for killing Holly Jean Keefe when he was matched to DNA found on 1996 murder victim Doris Smalls. Huff said he "cannot say offhand" whether or not he knew Smalls, and he doesn't know how his DNA could have gotten on her body.

Sgt. Robert Smith can have his job back if he just admits he was wrong.

Former CVS pharmacist Ramon Bautista Juta would take care of you, if you'd take care of him (wink wink, nudge nudge).

In AAC, Carlos Rice was found guilty for murdering Peach Cake. Of course, his defense attorneys said that the murder weapon was used to shoot at Rice's car, so Rice couldn't have done it. Now, forgive me for not understanding the subtle nuances of this case, but couldn't Rice have killed Mr. Cake, and then shot at his own car? Crazy, I know.

A student at Chesapeake Science Point Charter School in Hanover threatened to bring in an Uzi and kill everyone. Meanwhile, staff is getting ready to bail before anybody pees on them.

I understand, John. I always confuse lawn chairs with railroad tracks, too.


  1. Oh, and relative to Pat Jessamy's observation about recent reductions in uncharged arrests, this is what we're talking about.

  2. Over long periods of time, nothing changes in Baltimore.

    The huge criminal population, over one in three among males aged 19-29, has been the same.

    The half of the population outside the labor force remains the same.

    The addict population, over 50,000 strong: about the same.

    The volume of calls dispatched by 911: about the same.

    Police manpower: about the same.

    So, remind me, why would I believe the claim that UCR Part I crime is down by half ???

    Answer: I wouldn't.

    Not with total 911 volume going up and many of my neighbors living under siege conditions after sunset.

    Especially not after investigative news reports demonstrating a pattern of crime nonrecording by responding officers.

    Do not BELIEVE the hype. Baltimore is The Criminal City.

    Just ask Anna Sowers. Or Sarah Kreager. Or any of the over 100,000 victims per year.

  3. Galt: I'm as cynical as you are about this city, but murders are also down. I'm no fan of Sheila Dixon, but do you really think she's hiding the bodies of murder victims?

  4. No, clearly, murders are down. (But picking up steam of late.)

    I think shootings are down a bit, too.

    But robberies, burglaries, agg.assault, B&Es, vandalism, etc. are not down as the BCPD suggests.

    The 911 switchboard remains lit up full-time. Baltimore is no different a place qualitatively.

    It remains one of the most dangerous cities in America despite recent improvements in homicides.

  5. with the defense attorneys go to hell, I agree in part, and disagree in part. Private defense attorneys are indeed, the scum of the earth, who bottom feed, and grovel in front of the court for way too much money. On the other hand, public defenders are much more noble, and deserve some applause for the thankless work they do, for clients who can't afford lawyers, and ensuring that everyone has representation

  6. It's real easy to hate on defense attorneys.

    Until you need one.

  7. "It's real easy to hate on defense attorneys.

    Until you need one."

    You're correct, however some defense attorneys are the scum of the earth. It's one thing to protect a client's rights, however sleaze ball tactics like endlessly delaying a case to make it harder on the victim's family so that they'll agree to a plea bargain are never justified. See Warren Brown for a prime example of this. He deserves to rot in hell.

    Another group that I hate are scumbags who gum up the wheels of justice in death penalties cases by filing endless laughable appeals. Fred Warren Bennet is a prime example of that one. I was so happy when he was killed in a car accident this past summer.

  8. Sure...but it sounds to me like you just want to find a reason to be down on the defense. Perhaps I misundertand?

    There is at least as much to hate about prosecutors, but we still need them too.

    Each side is going to manipulate every possible angle to win, that's the nature of the game.

  9. My problem isn't with defense attorneys as much as it is with defense attorneys who defend a person who they know (or believe) to be guilty, which certainly sounds like the case with Waller's rape trial (at least as it's presented in the Sun).

    I have an ethical issue with representing someone who you believe to be guilty, and I'm quite certain that many defense attorneys do as well. As with any industry, the jackasses drag down the good names of everybody.
