Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March 12

The BPD is still investigating two separate shootings that left one un-ID'd man dead and two men injured, but there don't seem to be many new developments since yesterday.

A nurse was abducted from her Parkville apartment complex as she left for work yesterday morning.

Five Tree Top Pikachus Pirus have yet to be caught in the very cleverly named Operation Coumadin.

If what Councilman Jack Young says is true, our cops are pretty rotten at framing each other.

Police found the body of alleged murderer and/or subprime lender William Buczynski.

Maybe these houses belong to some of Buczynski's former clients.

The accused Columbia pizza man / kidnapper won't be retried on false imprisonment charges, but he still faces up to 10 years for his second-degree assault conviction from last week.

"A group of Jewish advocates against sexual assault is angry over a plea deal for a Baltimore City rabbi who pleaded guilty to abusing young boys but avoided jail time." Hmmm... that sort of implies that there's a group of Jewish advocates for sexual assault who are happy about the plea deal, doesn't it?

JHU students want William Brody's replacement to "spur development without gentrifying the city." Personally, I'd like the new president to be able to shoot golden eggs out of his ass. I wonder which scenario is more realistic?

In a case of timely reporting, a 15-year-old girl has been missing from her Rockville home since Feb 24.


  1. "Johns Hopkins University students hope for a new president who continues the redevelopment William Brody started in surrounding neighborhoods but are concerned residents may be pushed out of their houses as a result."

    ROTFLMAO! It's the residents who make the area suck!

  2. "ABC2 News was on the first scene as the first call came out in the 100 block of South Pulaski street"

    I was on the second scene, darn

    ahh i love the stupid

  3. How in the hell do convicts conduct criminal activity from behind bars? The whole fucking idea about prison is to stop them from committing crimes!

  4. i wonder how many JHU students actually stick around Baltimore, especially East and West (i.e., not Charles Village) after graduation? it can't be that high. this sounds an awful lot like the Columbia students who stages sit-ins against Columbia expanding into the more ruthless neighborhoods in Harlem. most of them, if they stay in NYC, surely do not venture past Central Park.

  5. "How in the hell do convicts conduct criminal activity from behind bars? The whole fucking idea about prison is to stop them from committing crimes!"

    Yes, that is the idea...

    There have been cases of inmates ordering murders while they were locked up at the Federal Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, which is probably the most secure prison in the world (it's where they keep guys like Ramsi Youseff, Richard Reid, I think Timothy McVeigh was held there for a while before he was executed). Anyways, this just goes to show you that the only way to keep society safe from some criminals is by killing them.

  6. "i wonder how many JHU students actually stick around Baltimore, especially East and West (i.e., not Charles Village) after graduation?"

    Some stay, although I'm guessing the majority leave. You can be sure that no one who went to Hopkins lives in West Baltimore after graduating though!

  7. From The Sun:

    "Baltimore State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy said at a meeting today that her prosecutors are dropping fewer cases before trial because the quality of investigations by city police is improving.

    Speaking at the monthly meeting of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee, a group of the city's top law enforcement officials, Jessamy said that in 2006 her prosecutors had to throw out one in three criminal charges.

    Last year, only about one in five cases could not go forward, Jessamy said. Of the 59,073 cases reviewed by the prosecutor's office in 2007, 12,605 were immediately dismissed. "To us, it is significant," Jessamy said. "It may not be to the public, but it shows some progress.""

  8. this guy should be drawn and quartered.,0,6398672.story

  9. That JHU story ends with a pretty hilarious quote:

    “He left a legacy,” said David Hershinow, 25, a doctoral student in English. “And now it’s like ‘Seinfeld’: He’s ending while he’s at his peak.”

    Let's assume (for my snarkiness) that David spent all his years of education at Hopkins without financial aid or scholarships. That's about 30k a year (it's 35k now, but its been going up yearly). So 7 years is minimally $210,000. For an English degree. And that's the best comparison he can come up with?

    Don't quit your day job...
