Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday Nite, Wednesday Morning

The state has rested in the bus beating case, WBAL has an interview with the bus driver ("I never thought I would see children try to kill anyone.")

The Ink covers the past week's four homicides. The victim found shot on February 15 (victim #21) was identified as 15-year-old Tyisha Brown.

He really was the total male! CP's Van Smith and Jeffrey Anderson have the tale of Shawn Green, an at-large drug trafficker, who highlights "the overlap in the city's legitimate business economy and the drug underworld."

The City Council is discussing a bill that would require scrap dealers to keep a roster of names and identifying information on people who bring in car parts. It's about freakin time, but why stop at car parts?

1 comment:

  1. The victim found shot on February 15 (victim #21) was identified as 15-year-old Tyisha Brown.

    I know some members of the family and here is what I know, Tyisha Brown lived in Baltimore county with her grandmother who was raising her. Tyisha Brown and her grandmother do not share a last name, that is her grandmothers last name is not Brown. She went missing in early February and this was reported to the police. Tyisha Brown has boyfriend that is in a gang. She was found murdered in Baltimore city. I was told she was shot in the head and her body was on or near a vacant lot. Her funeral is this Friday.
