Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 2

Anna D. takes on the most homicidal week of the year so far in the Ink, with nearly 20% of 2008's murders occurring (or being ruled as homicide) during the past week. Some "highlights:" April Montford's incredibly horrible death of neglect has been ruled homicide, but the State's Attorney's office has yet to decide whether or not to charge her daughters with murder; the man killed on Wilkens on 3/23 was ID'd as 18-year-old Jeffrey Butler; and the man killed in Carrollton Ridge on 3/27 was ID'd as Tyrone Bahia.

Police are looking for the man who shot Alan Zurita and left him on the side of I-95, then shot another man and drove him to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in Bel Air. Zurita died about two hours after being found, and the other man survived.

There's a tribute to Zach Sowers on YouTube.

For you friends, family, and supporters of Zach, don't forget tonight's event at Sonar.

Mark Castillo is being held without bail. There's a picture of his kids with Santa Claus that just hurts to look at.

Kane has a helluva good column today.

Two teenage brothers were kidnapped early yesterday morning when six armed men invaded a "flop house" in the 600 block of Plymouth Rd. in Catonsville. As dramatic as that story sounds, something -- like the fact that other residents of the house wouldn't initially cooperate with police -- tells me there's more than meets the eye.

A man was shot twice in the stomach last night in the 2200 block of W. Lexington St.

Anthony Monroe was found guilty for murdering Milan Andrew Walker last January. He faces life plus 25 years, which in Baltimore City means he'll be out within a few years.

Beware of bearded NASCAR fans, especially if you're into cardboard cutouts.


  1. I have a question about April Montford. The story about her said that she was paralyzed as a result of being shot. If murder charges are filed as a result of that case will it be her daughters who are charged with murder, or the person who shot her way back when?

    Also, I saw from Murder Ink that Zach Sowers was beaten in the 300 block of S. Robinson Street. Scary stuff, for some reason I thought that the location of his attack was further to the North, 300 S. Robinson isn't that bad of an address. The streets in that area are awfully dark and empty at night though.

  2. Re: Anthony Monroe

    You made a comment about Monroe probably being free within a few years, however since he was found guilty by a jury and didn't get a plea I suspect that he'll get a very harsh sentence, most likely life. The outrageous sentences you hear about (life with all but 18 months suspended, :rolleyes:) are almost always the results of pleas.

  3. Our brilliant attorney general is off in front of the legislature going after that great threat to society, Mike's Hard Lemonade. Here's an idea guys, instead of more stupid restrictions on alcohol that don't work anyways, how about making the penalties for drunk driving a little harsher than the slap on the wrist they are now.

  4. Scary stuff, for some reason I thought that the location of his attack was further to the North

    You probably thought it was further north because the media reported the attack as having occurred in the Patterson Park neighborhood (whose southern boundary is Pratt St). True, 300 S Robinson is one block away from Little Patterson Park, but it's technically within the Highlandtown Neighborhood Association's boundaries.

  5. I've noticed that "Patterson Park" is a term that's thrown around quite a bit to describe locations that are quite far from the "official" neighborhood. I get a kick out of it when real estate agents use terms like "Upper Patterson Park" to describe homes that are all the way to the North of Rt. 40. Stinking liars.

  6. I heard about the shooting on W Lexington, i just moved very close the W Lex and N.Fulton intersection...did i just make the worst decision of my life? someone tell me lol

  7. It sounds to me like you're in the middle of West Baltimore, so while I don't mean to be a dick I have to say, yeah, you made a pretty big mistake. Check Burgersub's murder map for a better idea of what you just got into though, I don't know all that much about that part of town.

  8. By the way, can anyone here tell me if Patterson Park is actually a real neighborhood? The "official" map says that that area is called Baltimore-Linwood.

  9. Bmore, you should also take a look at usasexguide to get a better understanding of your neighborhood. You're smack in the middle of one of the prime whoring circuits. Most whores in this town are addicts, and addicts like being close to their suppliers.

    Was it a mistake, though? That's up to you, and how you handle it.

  10. ppatin:

    Thanks for the street seems pretty calm during the night, of course that will change during the summer time! i get the feeling that im surrounded by an underground world that is laying quietly waiting to errupt! i want to know if my intersection is part of any gang territory..i havent seen many kids in red very close to my house, but i have nearby...either way im a registered gun owner but hopefully it wont come to that :) i saw the crime map, and it shows that my street is fairly quiet, but i get the feeling that its not too accurate..its pretty shady at night around there LOL!! lucky me!

  11. taotechuck:

    thanks, ive been following your blogs for long time and im impressed! i dont see many whores around my house..just what seems to be roaming older junkies

  12. bmore:

    Don't worry about the gang thing too much. Most of the violence in Baltimore isn't really Crips/Bloods related, or at least it hasn't been in the past. Any kids you see wearing red are probably just jackass wannabes, it's sociopaths like Trayvon Ramos you need to watch out for.

  13. ppatin:

    Yea i know Bmore has a Bloods problem, but i guess it all comes down to sociopathic behavior...i know it may seem a bit absurd that i would move 26 and my GF is 21, we both graduated from umbc (majored in sociology, cant you tell! lol) and basically took over her sisters rowhouse, inside is a beauty, but of course the streets are another make things more interesting im NOT black, which kind of makes things a lil awkword..but my GF is (thank god) spanish so i guess i can pass as non-white (which in my eyes makes you less of a target, but of course i still am) considern keeping my firearm on me when im goin out to my car or anything like that, i figure ide rather plead my case then end up like Zach or many of the other innocent about an adventure!

  14. By the way, can anyone here tell me if Patterson Park is actually a real neighborhood? The "official" map says that that area is called Baltimore-Linwood.

    Our neighborhood association's original Articles of Incorporation list the name as "Baltimore-Linwood Neighborhood Association". The name was changed to "Patterson Park Neighborhood Association" in the early 2000s.

    There's a reason these realtors use the term "Upper Patterson Park"- nobody wants to live in McElderry Park (which is the official name for the neighborhood that's north of Fayette St).

  15. Thanks for the kind words, Bmore!

    I'd think carefully before carrying my gun; it's easy to make comments from the good side of a long prison term.

    My honest advice? Get a big dog. I've had people sit on my stoop to get high, and then when the big dog hears them and starts barking through the door, they run off. One guy literally ran away screaming. It was awesome. Besides, even the thuggiest characters tend to get all warm and cuddly when they see a big dog. It's weird. There's gotta be a sociology experiment in there somewhere.

    Oh, and you could try growing a beard. I've discovered that a fringe benefit of being too lazy to shave is that people are, for whatever reason, kind of freaked out by beards.

    Or you could become a ninja, but that's a bit more time-consuming.

  16. @ tao:

    lol its funny you bring up the beard issue, i have already utilized that! yea the whole stoop sitting is a problem...but come on a college grad with no record and a good job gets caught with a gun that is registered to his name, you really think it would be a long prison term? i plan on telling the judge that i had it due to the concern for my safety and my girlfriends safety...come on its baltimore afterall!!

  17. "but come on a college grad with no record and a good job gets caught with a gun that is registered to his name, you really think it would be a long prison term?"

    There was at least one case a few years ago where the PJ's office pursued first-degree murder charges against two men who killed a burglar in self-defence with guns that were legally owned. Our state's attorney does not believe that law-abiding citizens should be allowed to defend themselves.

  18. Using a handgun isn't the only problem:

    It is unlawful for any person without a permit to wear or carry a handgun, openly or concealed, upon or about his person. It is also unlawful for any person to knowingly transport a handgun in any vehicle traveling on public roads, highways, waterways or airways, or upon roads or parking lots generally used by the public. This does not apply to any person wearing, carrying or transporting a handgun within the confines of real estate owned or leased by him, or on which he resides, or within the confines of a business establishment owned or leased by him.
    A person may transport a handgun if they can demonstrate that the handgun is being carried, worn or transported:
    • To or from a place of legal purchase or sale, or repair shop;
    • Between a person’s bona fide residences, or between his residence and place of business, if the business is operated and substantially owned by that person;
    • While engaged in, or traveling to and from a target shoot, formal or informal target practice, sport shooting event, hunting, trapping, or dog obedience training class or show; or
    • By a bona fide gun collector who is moving any part or all of his gun collection from place to place for public or private exhibition.
    During transportation to and from the above places the handgun must be unloaded and carried in an enclosed case or enclosed holster. An additional penalty is provided for any person convicted of unlawfully wearing, carrying or transporting a handgun, if his deliberate purpose was to injure or kill another person.

  19. "prime whoring circuits", har!

    That just reminded me, once about 5 years ago I was driving around Patterson Park with a friend of mine-- we're both girls, then in our 20's-- and our car was approached by a GUY in tight jogging shorts asking us if we wanted to "have a good time"!

    He was not a prime whore, he had a totally creepy moustache. Moustaches are creepier than beards I say.

  20. ppatin:

    no??? god darnit!! fi all the felons are escaping jail time i better!!!! lol all jokes aside, i really am not a "gun toting" guy, but come on, why would i let some 12 yr old punk ruin everything ive worked for because he wants a couple bucks or a dam cell phone!! lol its dam if you do dam if you dont

  21. okay so i just found this blog, and i find it very interesting to say the least! i'm sure i will become a regular commenter here!! just wanted to say hi!!

  22. bmore: You can say all you want to a judge. Have at it. But think long and hard how your cocky non-black demeanor is going to look when faced with 12 old black female low level government employed lifelong non college educated jurors. You could be the second coming of Jesus and you still wouldn't stand a chance in hell. Go ahead and try to explain to the jury why you shot innocent black 12 year old Tavon who, according to him, was simply wishing you a nice day. Ruin everything you worked for? You can bet your life on it.

    If you can't figure out how to live peacefully in the hood, then maybe the hood isn't for you.

  23. It's one thing to use a gun to defend yourself in your home. Even in B'more you'll probably be fine doing that, as long as the guy is in your house and you don't shoot him in the back. Shooting someone on the street with a gun that you're carrying illegally? Baaaaaaad idea.

    You could always try to get a concealed carry permit, but those are nearly impossible to obtain in Maryland unless someone's been threatening you, or you work with large amounts of cash (the state will let you protect your money, but not yourself. Gotta love that.)

  24. and our car was approached by a GUY in tight jogging shorts asking us if we wanted to "have a good time"!

    He was not a prime whore, he had a totally creepy moustache. Moustaches are creepier than beards I say.

    That is SO creepy. Tight jogging shorts AND a moustache? Bleh. I'm starting to hear cheesy porn music in my head.

    I hope you pointed at him and laughed.

  25. We were so surprised I think we said "no thank you"!

  26. Wow that April Montford story is godawful. Her own daughters! I hope they charge them with something major.

  27. Point well taken, but the moustache only scares off hottie 20-something crime bloggers and their friends. The beard scares everyone. Except maybe ZZ Top fans.

  28. @cham

    i do live peaceful "in the hood"...too bad most of the juveniles dont live the same way.
