Wednesday, April 2, 2008


A federal grand jury indicted Brian Keith Rose, 22, Tuesday in connection with the January 2006 murder of Warren Fleming, victim of an attempted carjacking. An archive of Sun stories on the case.

In PGC, a 12-year-old boy killed a man who was attacking his mother.

"The Board of Public Works has approved a $400,000 settlement in a case of alleged racial profiling by the Maryland State Police, ending a lengthy legal battle that began almost 10 years ago."

Did you know? Church's Fried Chicken is owned by an Islamic investment bank, now being sued by a BWI franchisee for their late-breaking anti-pork stance.

Meanwhile, "The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has revived the workplace discrimination claim of a Muslim man who says he endured harassing taunts, such as being called 'Taliban' and 'towel head,' while working at Sunbelt Rentals Inc. in Gaithersburg."

"I wouldn't put you on because it really did, it happened just this way
The day Angela E. Hiltz socked it to the Mt. Airy P.T.A."...


  1. Shouldn't it be Mosque's?

    And what kind of Southern restaurant doesn't serve pork?

  2. I think that someone may have started to sell drugs and/or hookers on my block. Time to keep an eye on them and begin calling the cops every night if my suspicions end up being` correct. Can't have my block going to shit.

  3. P---pray tell, where is your block? You don't want your block to be like that of those poor folks in Catonsville who had to put up with renters who are big-time druggies. And now they have home invasions and abductions there!

  4. Buz:

    I'm in Fells Point, a little bit to the West of the Burger King that was held up in December by the criminal who ended up getting shot & killed by the cops.

    So far I don't know anything concrete about the house in question, I just noticed them conducting some cash transactions with people in cars in front of their place. The house's inhabitants are all Hispanic though, so it's very possible that their immigration status is questionable & when they work they get paid in cash. I've also heard yelling matches & other noises that make it sound like there's some domestic violence going on. This adds to their sketchiness, but isn't really proof of anything.

  5. Baltimore Crime: I'm a freelance writer for Baltimore Magazine doing a story on Baltimore's bloggers. (I'm also the publisher of the blog Bel Air News & Views.) I'd like to interview you for the magazine piece. If you're interested, please let me know. You can reach me at Thanks.
