Thursday, May 22, 2008

12 Years for 6 Corpses

The good news: in this week's edition of "Murders Revisited," three out of six adults charged with murder faced some sort of consequence. The bad news: none of the sentences for the three men charged exceeded five years.


  1. This sort of shit does not happen in Singapore.

  2. Woohoo, great news everyone!

    "Gov. Martin O'Malley, an ardent opponent of capital punishment, took the first step in ending Maryland's de facto moratorium on the death penalty by saying he will order new protocols for administering lethal injection."

    I bet Vernon Evans is having a pretty lousy day :) :) :)

  3. With a gleeful grin, I present Ghetto Granny.

    Irony at its finest.

    Perhaps we should encourage more of our esteemed parents to visit the schools of their little monsters.

  4. Does 41 seem a little young for the grandmother of a 9 year old? That would mean that both grandmother and mom were teenagers mothers (assuming the mom was at least 13). Don't they have atleast one of the ages wrong?

  5. "Does 41 seem a little young for the grandmother of a 9 year old?" Heh, nope. How long have you been in Bawlmer? 16 year old has daughter. 16 years later, has grandkid from 16 year old daughter. 9 years later, g'ma is 41. Yep. That sounds just about right!
