Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23

The Blotter reports four shootings this week on or near Monument St. in East Baltimore.

What happened to the good ol' days, when armed teenagers on PCP would steal muscle cars instead of mini vans? (One of the alleged thieves' middle name is Delorean. Somebody's parents musta had a thing for Michael J. Fox.)

Fake water inspectors may be trying to steal your shit.

Maybe by the time Victor William Kunst Jr. gets out of kiddie porn jail, he'll be too old to get it up.

Someone snitched on cameraman extraordinaire Akiba Matthews, who was found guilty and now faces 30 years on federal drug and gun charges.

Prosecutors are fighting gangs with the theatre arts.


  1. Baltimore’s public school students in grades three through 12 must take conflict-resolution classes, under a resolution a City Council committee approved Thursday.

    Help, the stupidity is suffocating me, I can't breathe!

  2. Armed robbery and subsequent arrest in Charles Village last night:

    Drinking this persons beer when the squad cars pulled up I'm guessing.

  3. There has been almost one armed robbery per night in Charles Village the last two weeks. But no one cares, no alarms are raised, and no coverage in the vaunted Baltimore Sun. You would have to be out of your friggin' mind to move into Charles Village now.

  4. Well, they've been making arrests and having positive IDs from the victims. Though they are mostly juvenile arrests so I'm not sure how that helps much.

    With the students leaving for the summer my concern is that there isn't that nice mugging buffer that the clueless doe eyed students offered me.

  5. "Somebody's parents musta had a thing for Michael J. Fox"-- or for guys who beat federal drug charges!

  6. A suspect has been arrested in the Federal Hill stabbings. Much to that douchebag Adam Meister's chagrin, the suspect is white.,0,2627477.story

  7. wha? why are we calling Meister the d-word?!

  8. He bitched and moaned about the "PC media" leaving the perp's race out of the story- which basically implied that the perp must have been black, but the PC-Baltimore Sun wouldn't dare publish that info for fear of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson picketing their office.

    Besides, have you seen Meister's profile photo? It screams douchebag.

  9. Bmore is a if its bad now partly b/c the parents dont give a fuck, how is it gonna be when these lovely goons have kids? stayed tuned!

  10. While we're calling names, Ashley Zion sounds like one trashy, effed-up alleged psycho. And not too smart none either. Glad they caught her!

  11. Indeed, MJB. Look at Ashley's criminal history on MD Casesearch. She has at least 4 assault cases that were either stetted or nolle prossed. Also, it appears that she was a defendant in a drug nuisance case in 2002.

  12. Jeez, Agnes Welch is writing more stupid legislation. And this is expected to achieve an end to the violence in the schools? Stupid woman.

    This after making everyone in Baltimore now so very lean and fit by banning trans-fat.

    Would someone please put some rat poison in her geritol and put her out of our misery ?

  13. Now, on the subject of the warzone in Charles Village, would someone be good enough to post a link to a screencapture of this current Charles Village crime map.

    Thank you.

  14. A black male was shot in the arm this morning on the corner of N East Ave and E Baltimore St. Judging from where the officers were rolling out the police tape, it appears that the shooting occurred in front of the seedy looking minimart which is located in the 3200 block of E Baltimore.
