Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 8

Back in the day, it was pigs who got slaughtered in Pigtown. Murder #67 is a guy who lost a fight in the 1200 block of James Street near Ostend.

Some douchebag shot a woman in the head just east of Patterson Park. A cop saw the whole thing and shot at the douchebag, but missed. The woman is expected to be fine, and the douchebag was arrested.

Yesterday was a bad day for the ladies: a 16-year-old and a 21-year-old were stabbed during a fight downtown near the light rail.

And the woman hating continues, with a couple more cuttings in Govans and a washer/dryer theft on N. Collington. Oh, and an aspiring mathematician in Cherry Hill got beaten and robbed of his scientific calculator.

Someone threw an exploding bottle into a classroom at West Baltimore Middle School. The sad thing is, this kind of shit happens way more often than you think it does.

Hey! Luke did a follow-up story on Herve Massaba, the college student from Cameroon who was shot and paralyzed during a robbery last year. Unlike many people in this city, Massaba has a helluva positive attitude and isn't sitting around bitching about being a victim.

Yeah. This article is just going to piss you off, so I might as well close today's post here. Go read it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Herve Massaba story was kind of uplifting, yet depressing at the same time. It's sad that his family is struggling to scrape together the money to make their home more wheelchair friendly, while parasitic bums get to leach off of government handouts.

    BTW, here's an interesting little factoid. Black immigrants from Africa are the most successful ethnic group in the United States. According to an analysis of Census Bureau data by The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education Some 48.9 percent of all African immigrants hold a college diploma. This is slightly more than the percentage of Asian immigrants to the U.S., nearly double the rate for native-born white Americans, and nearly four times the rate for native-born African Americans. So much for the whole "the man hold black people down" theory.

  3. Ca-ching!

    Settlemment reached in the CBIF fatal beatdown of Raymond Smoot a few years back.

  4. $130 million? It's ridiculous that Raymond Smoot's family was allowed to file that large a lawsuit. From what I recall Raymond Smoot was a loser who was constantly in trouble with the law. The COs who murdered him should certainly be punished, however I don't see why his family is entitled to a substantial amount of money. It's not like he would've earned anything approaching what they were asking for if he hadn't been killed.

  5. This story adds a new dimension to the expression 'he lies like a Trooper."

  6. Yes, that article did indeed piss me off. THIRTEEN CHILDREN???? And she lost custody of all but one? WTF. If there was ever a case for forced sterilization...

    Honest to God, this is beyond infuriating.

  7. Something is odd about the Patterson park shooting. Why isn't WJZ or WBAL reporting on it? Last night after the 11 oclock news, they broke in with a "details tomorrow on east baltimore shooting involving a cop" and then nothing more was mentioned.
    I live down the street from were it happened and heard a LOT series of gunfire. It was like fireworks. Residents north of the park were treated to over an hour of helicoptors flying circles overhead.
    strange how it just gets a blurp the next day.

  8. "Yes, that article did indeed piss me off. THIRTEEN CHILDREN???? And she lost custody of all but one? WTF. If there was ever a case for forced sterilization..."

    Screw assault weapons bans, we need to outlaw fully automatic assault uteruses.

  9. Perhaps something along the lines of controlling the Assateague Island ponies:

    "To control the Maryland population, researchers have developed a unique non-hormone, anti-fertility vaccine that temporarily prevents pregnancy in selected mares. [...] Administered as a serum in a dart gun, the completely reversible process is unique in that it does not harm the ponies nor does it alter their behavior in any way."

  10. I don't necessarily disagree with the last comment, but my first thought on reading the Assateague story was, "Dear G-d, please let someone start using it on the deer population in Leakin Park."

    I haven't taken a formal poll, but it's entirely possible that a third of my neighbors and half or more of the neighborhood dogs have had Lyme disease at least once.

    I have permanent physical and neurological impairments from Lyme and babesiosis (deer ticks carry up to four different diseases, not all of which respond to antibiotics).

    Not a crime, but certainly a public health issue that bears addressing. Thugs, high taxes AND Lyme disease? It's one heckuva trifecta.
