Monday, June 30, 2008

Afternoon update: shiny, sweaty gangsters toting guns

Melody Simmons: "Baltimore's Gangs Battle for Turf and Power"
(Love the illustration! Meow!)
There's also one of those fun "ask some jackass on the street" features.

Starting today, you have to put your kids who're younger than 8 in a booster seat (unless they're extra big and fat). You also have to remove them and take them with you while you go shopping.

La migra están en el condado del Anne Arundel!


  1. I think Exhibit A ripped that "Ask A Jackass" feature from The Onion's "American Voices". Wait, Exhibit A's feature is real?

  2. Well, Sheila D's gone and played the race card in her interview with the Afro.

    You knew that was a-comin'. I wonder if she was banging her Jimmy Choo's on the podium again?

  3. Reprinted from Exhibit A:

    “A lot of gang members, like Black and others, they are saying, ‘Hey, we are part of a community. We don’t want to be villain-ized. We got family in the community.’ Our sons, a lot of them have their own children and they are thinking about the welfare of their children, the future of their children, so they are thinking more like a normal person,” [Rose Street Community Center head] Guyton said.

    Well, the way to not be villainized is... to repudiate 'the Lifestyle'. You cannot be a gangsta and be welcome in the neighborhood. The Dixon administration has largely sought to co-opt young hoodlums, rather than taking the high road with zero tolerance.

    The murders/shootings are down. The basic criminality is still alive and well and ensconced in Baltimore.

  4. O.K., good.

    Sheila D.'s "... but he wasn't a prime contractor on those contracts..." defense is now gone.

  5. In Texas the rights of law-abiding citizens are still more important than those of . In Maryland this brave man would've probably gone to prison :(

  6. The death of PG cop-killer Ronnie White has been ruled a homicide. The ME found that he was strangled to death. I wonder if some COs were so disgusted by our limp-wristed legal system that they decided to take care of justice themselves...

  7. Crap, I forgot to put up the link for my 11 PM post. Here it is.
