Tuesday, July 1, 2008

No post today, so kindly stick your news links where the sun don't shine. Y'know, in the comments section. Thanks, y'all.


  1. we're halfway through the year today, so if the murder rate holds we'll have 208 in 2008. Amazing!

  2. It looks like quite a shitstorm is brewing in PG County over the death of cop-killer Ronnie White. This is what happens when you have a broken legal system that fails to deliver tough punishments, people take justice into their own hands.

  3. Yes, actually, you are criminals. Otherwise, you'd have a green card.

    THAT is how you immigrate to America.

  4. ICE should check the immigration status of everyone at that protest, & deport anyone who's here illegally.

    One thing that bugs me though is that I didn't hear anything about the guy who hired the illegals being arrested. IMO the employers are the real villains.

  5. Ronnie White's family is "outraged." Maybe they shouldn't have raised him to be a violent, cop-killing piece of trash.
