Friday, June 27, 2008

Hamm's Stepdaughter Murdered

Nicole Sesker, 38, former police commissioner Leonard Hamm's stepdaughter, was found strangled to death in West Baltimore. Here's a link to the 2005 NYT story about her.
She was the second prostitute to be killed in the city this week.


  1. For so long as 'the Lifestyle' is tolerated....

    this is going to be commonplace.

  2. only in Bmore do have the daughter of a police commish be a crack head/H addict hooker who get strangled on a side kidding me?

  3. The pig farmer in Vancouver murdered nearly 60 prostitutes before someone took an interest in the case. The Green River killer murdered 41 prostitutes although he say he killed 78, and no one in the Tacoma police department seemed to care until the numbers of bodies found proved staggering.

    Our city may have its faults but we do not want to walk in Tacoma's and Vancouver's footsteps on this. Catch this murder now.

  4. Closer to home, how many people did Joseph Metheny kill before he was caught? Wasn't it probably something like ten women? Raymont Hopewell also got his fair share of rape & murder victims before they nabbed him.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Here's a nice line from WBAL: "Hamm's two-year tenure as police commissioner was marked by controversy and scandal, including a high crime rate, a demoralized police department and community distrust."

  7. Tamara Whitaker (DOB 8-30-78) was a prostitute from Wilkens Ave. who got beaten to death in January 2007. I have been told this by numerous friends of hers.Her death was never accounted for in the totals from last year, and her mother, brothers, and sisters in South Carolina has been continually lied to by the police and the city. They have played dumb like they have no knowledge of her death, or even finding her body. They treat her like a transient who just decided to disappear on her own. She called home at least twice a week every week when she wasn't in jail up until last year.

    We want answers, and we're not getting them. How many other girls like Tammy have been found dead, only to have the police cover up the real story.

  8. To add another comment: Don't assume it's the Johns who are always killing them. Many of these girls are informants who turn in the dealers. If you live in areas of the city where there is a lot of prostitution, pay attention. You will notice some of them girls never seem to get locked up. These are the snitches. Dealers tend to take them out when they find out about them.

    I've helped a few of them out with helping them to get their ID and get on drug treatment and mental health programs. Their lives aren't truly lost if they are given hope at something better. I've had my share of failures, but I've had some great success stories. I'm currently working on helping 2 get on methadone through needle exchange, which is a very successful program. An out-of pocket methadone program costs as little as $4000 a year, and a subsidized program less than half that much. By comparison a stint in jail for a month costs taxpayers nearly as much money. Many of these women have families who are not into the drug culture who will take them back if they can show they are able to turn their backs on their addictions.

  9. That's such a shame, she had a real future. Drugs always blow it.

  10. 1971Ravensfan sounds like a "john" to me.

  11. Leonard Ham wow he,s got to be madd well it,s distance family member of his wife if she,s on drugs than something went wrong while she in the streets of west baltimore where not to many woman get strangle around in those homes and all those vacant house,s need to be bricked up and sealed because alot of homeless people go into these house,s and get a fix smoke crack and have sex for sale in these places so police officer need to check back alleys and vacant homes and p[lat grounds and under paths and parks because you never know where there is a dead body like leakin park former dumpping ground for the murderd victims it,s shame. it relly is and we need better investigators better police trainig and publie relation in the streets and these GANGS leaders the bloods the bgf and the dmi,s ygf. they running the city they are killing peop[le and sometime it could be and initations to get in to the gang just shoot someone and kill them so lets get it together!

  12. For so long as 'the Lifestyle' is tolerated....

    What does this murder have to do with swingers?

  13. so are we just assuming that because two prostitutes were murdered in the last week that they were both killed by the same person? come on.

  14. Is the honeymoon over between the SA's office and the BCPD ??

    Either way, the police response is the same: lotsa visibility for a week, but inadequate manpower on an ongoing basis.

    At least in Druid Heights.

  15. She was probably killed by a john. A dealer would have have shot her or slashed her throat, because it would be much quicker than strangling. She may have been killed while in the process of having sex with a john, which if true means there will probably be a repetition of this same crime by this same perpetrator, unfortunately.

  16. Or a pimp could've strangled her to make it seem like a john did it. There are lots of ways to get killed if you're a prostitute in Baltimore.

  17. That's Baltimore 100%. Police Commissioner's stepdaughter is a murdered drug addict prostitute. The man who's in charge of trying to save the city can't save his own daughter. I would say Leonard Hamm didn't care enough about her to help get her out of her situation, he let her fall to that level.
