Friday, June 27, 2008

June 27

A woman was shot yesterday afternoon in Park Heights, a man was shot Wednesday night on N. Broadway, and a man was cut as he tried to break up a catfight on Tuesday morning.

An AAC cop claims he got demoted and ridiculed because he reported a crazy-ass stalker co-worker.

Wow. Young men with guns kill each other. Who'd'a thought?

Not a lot of crime in today's news, but there's a whole lot of punishment.

44-year-old Dundalk perv Scott Carpenter got five years for kiddie porn.

Convicted felon Michael Martin got 15+ years for having guns and crack.

Remington arsonist/dealer Eric Robinson got 12 years in the slammer and has to pay restitution of $175,000.

Mohammad Ijaz got four years for bribing Immigration officials for green cards.

Ronald McConnell was indicted in the May 17 fatal shooting of Jason Batts in Columbia's Oakland Mills neighborhood.


  1. So the geniuses over at the Bloomberg School of Public Health figured out that there has been an increase in young male negroes blasting each other with gunfire since 1999. Um, yeah buds, I can read Ditkoff's column too. How much of my tax dollars did these nitwits waste on this "study"? It's like the weather, everyone likes to study it, but nobody ever does anything it.


  2. The idea that crime is a public health problem is kind of silly.

  3. What the Publc Health people are fairly good at is searching for correlations between outcomes and complex social variables.

    I do not agree with the notion that violence is a 'disease'. Especially not if that has some implication for the assignment of responsibility.

    But when 'actual' causation (in the physics/chemistry sense of the word) is elusive, public health methodologies can be useful for identifying high-risk populations, environments, or circumstances.

    That does not mean they are good at all at isolating 'the cause'.

    They will generally argue that they're not trying to do so, but merely to find an effective approach to improving outcomes.


    Many inner-city schoolchildren vandalize/destroy their public school textbooks. Result: not enough books to go around for the ones who do not.

    An epidemiologist might conclude that since city schools have more limited resources than county schools, then educational outcomes could be improved by sending city kids to county schools. The data will support this.

    However, a more direct solution would be to stop the destruction of the books at the individual level. Ergo, no need to bus the kids to the county school.

    The public health systems approach is inormative, but susceptible of considerable abuse.

  4. Here are two good opinion pieces on differential approaches to crime based upon neighborhood in the Sun.

  5. Looks like #104. And no suspects are in custody.

  6. Here, I'll help the Bloomberg School of Public Health out. You want a cause, I'll give you a cause.

    1) The negro boys don't have male role models in their lives so they don't learn to process anger in a noncombatant manner.

    2) There are drugs

    3) There are gangs

    4) Guns are easy to get

    5) Babies eat lead paint chips that make them jumpy.

    6) Mothers of negro teens don't care where their kids are and what they are doing, or if they are going to school.

    7) Negro boys who get shot know that they can go to the nearest hospital and get fixed up for free.

    8) Negro boys grow up with the expectation they will be going to prison as an adult for a long long time.

    Did I miss anything?

    There taxpayers, that will be $500,000. Please send me a check, my study is cheaper than the one over at the Bloomberg Institute of Snooty McDoGooders.

  7. Leonard Hamm's stepdaughter makes #105. Although the Examiner is counting it as #104

  8. Wow, Cham, those are some pretty... broad observations there. And am I the only one who's a little uncomfortable with you saying "negro" over and over again?

    Well, actually, to put it a bit more bluntly (that seems to be your style), items 6 - 8 sound downright racist.

  9. "Well, actually, to put it a bit more bluntly (that seems to be your style), items 6 - 8 sound downright racist."

    6 - 8 are pretty true, although as others have pointed out it's really a cultural issue rather than a racial one. There's this loathsome, dysfunctional inner-city culture that cham described pretty accurately, and sadly a huge portion of the people who buy into that culture are black.

  10. Wait, if the guy was killed in the City Detention Center, wouldn't that mean that ALL the suspects are in custody?

  11. I'm done being politically correct and am now stating the obvious. If more people did so maybe we could put a dent in the murder rate. If you took my list over to the meanest thug on the corner he'd agree with every point.

  12. Wow, I haven't heard racist generalizations flying like that since 1916.

  13. Meph et al, homicides that go down whilst the victim's in state custody don't go towards the "official" murder count.

  14. Sorry, Patin, say "Mothers of negro teens don't care where their kids are and what they are doing, or if they are going to school" out loud and tell me that's not racist.

    Um... reallly? Negro teens? Cham, you really really suck.

  15. And there's a difference between "politically correct" (which is a bullshit term favored by assholes like Rush Limbaugh) and "not an asshole." Wanna guess where you fit, based on your statements?

    Where's C Love when I need (and not despise) her?

  16. Man, white men have such tiny penises. And honkeys can't dance anything other than Achey Breaky Heart.

    That statement is JUST based on cultural differences, and is in NOW WAY racist. I'm just tired of being politically correct with these cracker honkeys.

  17. "I'm done being politically correct and am now stating the obvious. If more people did so maybe we could put a dent in the murder rate."

    No, we'd just have more racists.

    "If you took my list over to the meanest thug on the corner he'd agree with every point."

    No, you'd probably get your ass (deservedly) kicked. Or shot.

  18. Sean: Of course it's racist to throw around terms like "negro." Cham's points are still valid though, but IMO they apply to a culture and not a race, since there are plenty of black people who don't pop out illegitimate children & sell drugs, just like there are lots of white trash losers who do.

  19. As the mother of a young black boy, I'm pretty fucking disgusted right about now. Pardon my French...



  20. This is kinda interesting:

    Ppatin, she didn't say anything about "irresponsible parents" or anything about a culture, etc. She repeatedly said "negro." Therefor, her points, which are NOT valid, sorry, are about "negroes." And she is a racist.

  21. I wrote the original post, and I'm not one to go around deleting comments, so let me just state that I find Cham's comments to be complete fucking bullshit.

    And yeah, crime is a public health problem. Why don't you ask Hamm about the health of his daughter.

  22. I have to take issue with the idea that substance abuse is a disease. Granted there is a biological component to it, but I suspect that most cancer patients would be offended by the idea that their disease is the equivalent of something that could be cured by not drinking/smoking/shooting up.

  23. For every white guy commenting on how terrible black people are, or even using the word "negro", I suggest you take a stroll thru Hampden, making sure to walk down Falls Rd from the Avenue north to 41 st, and see how your (or our, I should say) caucasian comrades are whiling away the hours. Discussing the latest Jonathan Franzen or Michael Chabon novel? Perhaps, but all I heard one morning was some dude threatening to knock out his old lady's (remaining) teeth because she guzzled his last natty boh, and it wasn't the first of the month yet so he couldn't get no more.

  24. P, I know very little about public health (and health in general), but it's my understanding that something doesn't have to be a "disease" to be a public health issue. Garbage collection, particularly in the early 20th century, was a major public health issue. So was sewage.

    Likewise, an epidemic (as I understand it, which might be wrong) doesn't have to stem from a disease. So if hundreds of people are dying from unnatural causes every year in a given community, that can be considered an epidemic.

  25. Quick method of containing a violence 'epidemic':

    Euthanize the assailants.

  26. "Euthanize the assailants."

    Lethal injection: a three drug cocktail to cure the violence epidemic :)
