Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Flag Day

Controversy continues over Margaret Burns' bizarre "sleeping baby" remark. Burns called the article a "misrepresentation;" the reporter stands by the quote.
Meanwhile, Adam Meister blogs about PCJ's salary.

Plumber George Thompson (allegedly) to hired killer: you can beat my ex to death with this brick!

The city's Health Department has some events going on related to the Safe Streets program.

Taurean Philip Williams, 18, and Timothy Patrick Williams, 20, were shot in Edgewood, HarfCo.


  1. Safe Streets:

    'Let's barbeque our way out of our crime problem. Yeah, that'll work.'

  2. Depends on who you're BBQ-ing, I guess?

  3. my little flag day ditty...

  4. HOLY CRAP! I can't believe this is true, but the mayor of a major American city (bmore) has blamed the "spasm" of violence last night, in which nine people were shot, on a FULL MOON! Please, please, please, let's get rid of these dolts now! Galt, what are the steps we need to take for impeachment, removal, etc.? That goes for Dixon, Jessamy, and most of the BPD District Commanders. If they had any guts they'd be on TV every day yelling that they're under pressure to cook the stats, that this city is unbelievably dangerous!

  5. harold, according to the City Charter

    § 1. Election, term, etc.

    (a) Election and qualifications.

    (2) The Mayor shall be

    a person of known integrity, experience, and sound judgment.

    The Mayor also shall be over 25 years of age, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the City for at least 1 year next preceding the election and during the term of office.

    The bad news: the incapacity has to be proven.

    The good news: Clerk of the Court Frank Conaway takes the position that Dixon was never sworn in (by him) and therefore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is the acting Mayor for the remainder of the term.

  6. only one of the guys shot in edgewood died.
