Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Very Violent Weekend

... and it's only Sunday morning!
At least nine people were shot over 4 1/2 hours from Friday night to Saturday morning, and at least two are dead.
A suspiciously dead male body was also found in Hamilton.
The Sun quotes the Mayor: "You hate to associate the moon, but sometimes when it is a full moon, it seems to get crazier."

and in Carney, a man shotgunned his son to death.
Happy Fathers' Day!

Two people were shot outside of the Rush Hour Bar & Grill on Liberty Road in Randallstown.
omil milfort
Ocean City police are ISO one Omil Milfort, right, who's wanted for a stabbing a Pennsylvanian at 16th and Baltimore Streets.


  1. I think it was a man that was found dead in Hamilton.

  2. Thanks, you're right!

    Hey, I just read in the Baltimore Magazine that this is the most-read blog in blogtimore! Who knew?

  3. So,..... now Sheila Dixon is an Associate Lunatic ???

    Does anyone recall Lon Chaney losing his command of the English language during the full moon ?

  4. In the blotter:

    An armed robbery/shooting by the Farmer's Market in Waverly.

    Shooting A gunman was in the process of robbing a man in the 400 block of E. 33rd St. about 5 a.m. Saturday when he shot himself in the leg. The suspect was arrested and taken to a hospital for treatment. Robbery and handgun charges were pending the suspect's release from the hospital.

  5. Do I lose my status as a card-carrying liberal by saying that it's a shame he was treated rather than allowed to remove himself from the gene pool by bleeding to death?

    Yeah, I guess I do. Not to mention that an hour ago I told a nature center staffer that the solution to the Lyme disease problem in Leakin Park was to 'shoot the deer or put them all on birth control.'

    Living in B'more has apparently made me into a cold-hearted monster.
