Tuesday, July 29, 2008

4 shot, 3 killed, in 40 minutes in city
Mapped by Spotcrime.com
- Residents in Govans talk about the murder of Tyrone McCray, found near a PAL center on Ivanhoe and Tunbridge

"Jewel Williams was just 4 years old in 1998 when she watched a man kill her mother and her mother's friend in a Reservoir Hill apartment ... She stayed in the apartment with the bodies for two days, caring for her 1-year-old stepbrother and trying to treat her mother's wounds with toilet paper and a toy stethoscope."

UPDATE: Nicholas Browning will be tried as an adult


  1. From the Sun...
    ...Rozza Alston, 40, who lived three blocks from the KFC at North Avenue and St. Paul Street, was found guilty of second-degree assault, robbery with a deadly weapon and openly carrying a dangerous weapon. He faces a maximum of 33 years in prison. The jury acquitted Alston of attempted first-degree murder, attempted second-degree murder and first-degree assault....

    hmm... After having served on a jury in Baltimore city, I can totally imagine the contortions of logic that prompted the jury to acquit someone of attempted murder after having stabbed an elderly woman repeatedly in the arm and then torso.

    What is the difference between 1st and 2nd degree assault, anyway?

  2. Helix:

    Did you ever read Homicide? One of my favorite stories from that book is about a guy who goes on trial for stabbing someone to death. They had a witness who saw the accused stabbing the victim, and the jury convicted him of assault w/a deadly weapon (or some similar charge). They acquitted him of murder though because they bought the defense's argument that the defendant stabbed the victim, left the scene, and then some mystery man must've come & delivered the fatal blow.

  3. From the Nicholas Browning story:

    "Blumberg added that with intensive treatment, Browning's risk for re-offending would be low."

    Ok doc, if you think this kid can be treated then how about we have him move in next door to you when he gets out? The "he was abused" excuse would be a little more credible if he hadn't slaughtered his two younger siblings as well...

  4. Senator Ted Stevens (of Bridge to Nowhere fame) has been indicted by a federal grand jury! Maybe there is some justice in this world after all.

  5. Nicholas Browning's request to have his case transfered to juvenile court was denied.
