Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Brandon Morris, who was convicted of killing a corrections officer, was transferred from supermax to a federal penitentiary in Kansas. Sounds like he's made it to the big leagues.

Rozza Alston is no longer the alleged POS robber and felon
. If only we could Kentucky fry him as a fitting punishment.

Impressive research: BCPD police have arrested a man for a rape that happened more than 20 years ago. CSI - Baltimore, anyone?

Plenty of thieves in Baltimore City and County, so where's Ali Baba?

You have to admire the tenacity of the County State's Attorney's office, who will pursue Life without parole for a 16 year old accused of killing another teen. No, John Galt - the County cannot annex the City.

The other side of the story: Its only fair to take an alternate view of Pat Jessamy in light of all we've recently seen. Here's one from Baltimore Magazine.

In other news, I'm considering places to host a summer Baltimore Crime get together, any suggestions?


  1. That's a nauseating piece on Jessamy & Burns in the Baltimore Mag. Now I know why I don't even bother to open that rag up while standing in line at the supermarket. I can only assume Burns has some good friends on staff there.

    Anyone who hasn't listened to the Page Croyder interview on Ed Norris yesterday (at http://whfs.com) should really give that a listen to balance out this article.

  2. Yeah, "Baltimore" is leisure reading for Ruxton housewives. But even so, I wouldn't exactly call that a puff piece. Along with the domestic scenes there are actually quite a few digs in there:

    "Among residents for whom her civil rights struggle and Southern charm is not relevant, she is sometimes seen as a defender, rather than a prosecutor, of those who are terrorizing the city, a sort of fox-guarding-the-chicken-house of criminals."

    "When it comes to the media, Patricia Jessamy has a very thin skin. In fact, the only news coverage she seems to approve of is stories that focus entirely on her civil rights days."

    "At one point, she all but stopped talking to reporters and began issuing brief statements or delegating the responsibility to a deputy"

    "'I felt like they were trying to destroy me,' she says of the media and the endless barrage of criticism. 'I was a woman and I was black and I think some people didn't want to acknowledge that I was getting things done.'"

    ... i don't think any of that will much endear her to readers. But maybe it doesn't matter much, as most of BMag's readers are county folk.

  3. My suggestion for a location for a BCrime get-together:

    definitely gotta be at Club Choices

  4. The Baltimore magazine article is quite good. I don't think it was a fluff piece at all. I did not know Jessamy had a background in civil rights. But don't get me wrong, she is still the worst state's attorney that Baltimore has ever or will ever see.

    Three insights from the article:

    1) Warren Brown, WARREN BROWN himself has said that Jessamy is "soft" on crime.

    2) O'Malley's angry remarks about the Sewell case, I had thought, were pointed and expressed a valid frustration with Jessamy. Now I see that in fact they back-fired horribly and may have precipitated her continued election success.

    3) Jessamy sees the criticism against her as a kind of struggle. She takes it personally and even sees a racial component to it. Great. That seems to be compelling her to stay when she could retire and grill catfish every freaking night, and leave the SA job to someone competent.

  5. The comments regarding her "thin skin" and the like were all a set-up to introduce the REAL State's Attorney...Marty Burns! And of course no interview with Jessamy would be complete without a good 'ol quotation love-fest with Marty. Anyone want to bet how many times she got to "review" this article before it went to press?

  6. Club Choices is a good... um... choice. I was thinking maybe Supermax - they have great cheese sandwiches, I hear.

  7. How about meeting at the infamous "lounge" at Linden Liquors?? Even better if it's on a Sunday...
