Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Media Blabber

Peter Moskos, author of "Cop in the Hood," was on Ed Norris yesterday. The podcast isn't up yet but I assume it will appear on this page eventually. In the meantime, why not listen to the Paige Croyder interview again?


  1. "Her style of mixing community activism, social work, and hands-on politicking are skills she cultivated as a young civil rights lawyer in the segregated South."

    Aaargh, that's EXACTLY what's wrong with Jessamy. The State's Attorney is NOT a social worker or a community activist. The job of the SA's office is to PUNISH people, to send them away for prison for long, long periods of time.

  2. " "The whole philosophy in that office for years now has been that they are reluctant to go hard on crime," he says. "Their political base in this elected position is the black community, and they do not want to be associated with the white man putting the noose around the black man's neck.""

    This came from Warren Brown, one of the city's most notorious defense attorneys. Gag me.

  3. Ed Norris was really ripping on Peter Moskos yesterday. Frankly I was a little disappointed by Ed, he sounded like a big whiner who couldn't handle some criticism.
