Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bang bang bang bang bang bang. Bang. Shank!

A man found bleeding in the 1200 block of Orleans street reportedly died at Hopkins hospital last night.
Monday's four shootings have been mapped by spotcrime, and a fifth shooting proved fatal early Tuesday morning.
Here's more

"I guess some people are listening to Drowning Pool's 'Let the Bodies Hit the floor' because another one was found in Northwest Baltimore today." -- TC

Grandpa's got a shiv: Tyrone Alsberry pleaded guilty to killing Willie Clayton Joyner after stabbing him during an altercation over money.

.. and three other assorted area crimes from yesterday.

At a hearing yesterday, Judge Paul Smith sentenced Tranell Dansbury, 25, of the 1600 block of North Broadway Street, to 20 years in prison for second-degree rape, 10-years consecutive for second-degree assault and 20 years concurrent for second-degree sex offense for a total prison term of 30 years. A Baltimore City jury convicted Dansbury June 12, 2008. Details:
On November 18, 1997 Dansbury, who was 15-years old at the time, forced the victim behind a brick wall located at 1400 East Madison Street where he raped and sexually assaulted her. Police identified Dansbury with a DNA search of the Combined Offender Data Index System (CODIS) in April 2007. Assistant State’s Attorney Katherine Moxley of the Sex Offense Division prosecuted this case.
At a hearing yesterday, Judge John C. Themelis sentenced Kim Hargett, 25, of the 600 block of E. 30th Street to 20 years in prison. A Baltimore City jury convicted Hargett of possession with intent to distribute heroin and cocaine on March 26, 2008. Details:
On August 25, 2007 in the 1600 block of E. 30th Street officers observed Hargett engaging in hand-to-hand drug transactions. When Hargett realized police presence, he stashed what was later identified as heroin and cocaine under a porch at 1603 E. 30th Street before running into that residence. Police arrested him inside that house and recovered more than $700 in US currency. They recovered 25 blue top vials of cocaine and 20 clear gel caps of heroin from under the porch. Assistant State’s Attorney Robin Daitch of the Narcotics Division Prosecuted this case.

This just in from TBC: As mentioned in the comments, Barney Frank (D-MA) is proposing a bill to decriminalize possession of smaller amounts of marijuana. My question for you, Mr. Frank, is this: How does it feel to support TERRORISM?


  1. It seems that Mass. representative Barney Frank (D) is introducing a bill to decriminalize the possession of up to 100 g or about 1/4 lb. of pot.

  2. Mary Jane has a chance to be legal

  3. "Smoked marijuana has not withstood the rigors of science -- it is not medicine and it is not safe," the DEA states on its Web site. "Legalization of marijuana, no matter how it begins, will come at the expense of our children and public safety. It will create dependency and treatment issues, and open the door to use of other drugs, impaired health, delinquent behavior, and drugged drivers."

    I hate the Little Eichmann's at the DEA oh so much. Do they honestly believe that anyone is dumb enough to believe this horeshit that they put out?

  4. Sorry, there shouldn't have been an apostrophe in Eichmann.

  5. Rozza Alston, the scumbag who stabbed the old lady at the KFC on North Avenue got 23 years. Not a bad sentence, but he faced a maximum of 33 years which is what he should have gotten. I expected better from Judge Doory.

  6. With any luck he'll die in prison. At what age will he be eligible for parole?

  7. And what happened to the other stabby scumbag that attacked the 57 yr old woman on St Paul and 26th last may?

  8. I hate the Little Eichmann's at the DEA oh so much. Do they honestly believe that anyone is dumb enough to believe this horeshit that they put out?

    Well, it worked for Reagan...

  9. I guess Barney Frank has gone from smoking pole to smoking pot :)

  10. Ppatin is the new ward churchill, but enhance with Baltimore's traditional disdain for law enforcement.

  11. George T. Dyson pleaded guilty in the attack on Karen Harris in Charles Village.

    "Judge Robert Kershaw sentenced Dyson to 50 years in prison suspend all but 18 years for the attempted murder an 15 years in prison, concurrent, for the armed robbery count and five years supervised probation."

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Ppatin is the new ward churchill, but enhance with Baltimore's traditional disdain for law enforcement.

    Ppatin disdains law enforcement? Seriously? Have you seen what's in his avatar?

    I guess you decided not to heed my advice about making blanket generalizations.

  14. "Ppatin is the new ward churchill, but enhance with Baltimore's traditional disdain for law enforcement."

    Me? Disdain for law enforcement? The people I have disdain for are the empire-building jackasses at the DEA whose lives and careers revolve around our pointless attempt to ban pot. Did you see the article about the guy who stabbed the elderly woman? Countless people have gotten more prison time for dealing weed than he'll serve for stabbing an 82-year old woman. The War On Drugs is idiocy at its finest, and the prohibition of marijuana is the most laughable part of it.

  15. Mr. Mephistopheles, still determined to prove that city folk aren't as bright as the county (or any county)?

    Anyway, if they had taught you reading comprehension, you'd realize that my statement was based on his endless defense of felons like Ed Norris.

    Anyway, if you ask me real nice, and I'll tutor you. I'll make you as smart as a Howard County resident. Free of charge.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Mr. Mephistopheles, still determined to prove that city folk aren't as bright as the county (or any county)?

    Dear Douchebag,

    You can question my intelligence as soon as you learn how to spell.
