Saturday, July 26, 2008

BOB Time Again

Vote in the CP's Best of Baltimore poll if only to fill in the "Best Local Blog" line!


  1. I don't know if this counts, but...........

    "The stupidity of it all is astounding"---Judge Timothy Doory

  2. Lesson Learned Today by Delinquent Teens in Lucid's Neighborhood:

    When the lady in the corner house chastises you for throwing trash in front of her house (because she witnesses it) do not apologize for all the "others" who throw trash in front of her house "who got no respect" and deny doing it yourself and then offer to "clean it up out of respect if only I had a bag." The lady will gladly provide you with a broom, dustpan, and bag and then make you follow through, taking valuable time away from drug dealing.

  3. buzoncrime blog is definitely one of the best.

  4. Aw, shucks, Harold.............You're making my MAC turn red with embarrassment.

    But, hey, thanks!

    (High School Graduate)
