Sunday, July 27, 2008

New media? The Sun Guild and the Daily Record have been a-posting YouTube videos.

The CP has more on the White Bros's 4th of July shootout at the union hall

A suspiciously dead body was discovered in NE Baltimore.
(Thx Glt)

Police ID'd the men killed in their car on Friday as Quinton Hogan, 23, of Parkville, and Donell Rogers, 21, of Baltimore. (WBAL says it was Wabash & Northern Parkway, WMAR says Wabash and Rogers Ave.)


  1. Weird story about a cop who's accusing other police officers of conducting an illegal search.

  2. Baltimore's political fly-in-the- ointment continues to fuel the fire of the Margaret Burns story.

  3. Hogan seemed to be a really bad guy with numerous run-ins with the law (assaults, CDS, weapons) and Rogers wasn't to clean himself. I guess they did something to someone who doesn't desire to use our justice system.

  4. I think that when people die or get murdered it is kind of a carma thing. The deaths are intentional if the shooter walked up on this car and started firing shots unless there is some road raged person on the loose and I personally do think everyone has sone good in then its just that they have some run in, but there in the past. Its alot difeerent for young adults today cause of violence from fire arms and hatrid being displayed from all age groups. I mean all age grougs not just young adults. These two people were giunine good men but they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
