Thursday, July 24, 2008


State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy released a statement regarding the Sowers case, click here to read it. A statement that you're not going to make a statement? What's the point of that?


  1. "anything I, or individuals in my office, say or do in reference to the Zach Sowers case will in all probability be misstated, misquoted, misrepresented, misinterpreted, and/or misunderstood."

    Waaaaah, waaaaah, waaaaah, my name is Patricia Jessamy and I'm a victim! Poor me!

    It's no wonder this woman keeps getting re-elected. Her "it's not my responsibility, I'm a victim mentality" is very popular in this city.

  2. If Margaret Burns was misrepresented then she should come out and say that the journalist who interviewed her is a liar, and then she can tell us what she really said. The fact that she doesn't do that tells me that the quotes are accurate.

  3. Ironic that the contact person for the press release is Margaret Burns herself...

  4. As an elected official, she has to answer for her actions. I don't think she has the right to put out such a statement. I can't wait for election day... wish we could just recall her.

    She wants US to be accountable by wearing a stupid plastic "Accountability" bracelet? When will she be?

  5. Jessamy and her ilk are why I live in the county. That and the fact we county folk can behave ourselves.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jessamy and her ilk are why I live in the county. That and the fact we county folk can behave ourselves.

    Before you make generalizations about the entire population of Baltimore City, I suggest that you look in your own backyard.

  8. The existence of this press release alone should be grounds to start an impeachment proceeding to remove Pat Jessamy from office before she does any more damage to our city.

  9. Ms. Jessamey is now, always was, and will continue to be an absolute doddering incompetent. There is no rational basis for her election or her re-election. (Of course, we could say that about the President of the United States, too.) Calling for Maggie Burns to be fired misses the point entirely.

    How about a referendum to remove our useless State's Attorney? Where's Anton Keating?

  10. Mr. Mephistopheles, Pat Jessamy is an elected official. She can be voted out of office. Despite her chronic inability to do her job, she is repeatedly reelected. This means the majority of the voting public agrees with her and her actions.

    Now in the county, as you well tell, we do not tolerate crime. The school shooters got 40 and 100 years each. In the city, they'd got probation and Jessamy's apologies for the inconvenience.

    In the county, we have jails, cops, and the death penalty. In the city, you play catch and release.

    Now, Mr. Mephistopheles, if you think city and county residents are anything a like, well clearly a product of the city school system.

  11. Hey wise-guy, you ain't so smart yourself wit dat screwy grammar there Mr. bigshot baltimore county. La dee friggin da. Go O's!!!

  12. City and county residents are, in fact, very much alike. The residents of the county have deep roots in Baltimore city. I can't tell you how many county people I have met that had ancestry going back to the 1800's in Baltimore.

    Before drumming up the county and slamming the city, however, you really have to state that you're comparing apples and oranges. More importantly, you have to compare specific parts of the county and specific parts of the city. It really is not fair to compare, say, Phoenix (or Sparks?) where Ms Burns lives to East Baltimore.

    To its benefit as far as crime stats are concerned, you have much less poverty in the county and a much lower density of people. For that reason alone, you're guaranteed a lower crime rate. Lets not make generalizations about residents of Baltimore, m'kay. I live in the city because I choose to live there, I could live almost anywhere I want but I chose baltimore. Crime is a bad thing, but it is only one dimension of a city.

  13. Well said, Helix!

    i am so (un)wise:

    Like Helix, I chose to live in the city, even though I could have lived anywhere in the area. I blindly voted for Steve Fogleman, sight unseen, because of my hatred of Pat Jessamy. Another Crime Blog commenter summed it up perfectly: "I would rather vote for a giraffe with explosive diarrhea over Pat Jessamy." Unfortunately, Jessamy benefitted from a political machine that is effective in turning out the vote (i.e. "GOTV") in economically depressed and majority black neighborhoods. 30% of the city voted the same way as me.

    I participate on COP walks, I routinely attend police meetings and give them intelligence on problems inside our neighborhood, and I've volunteered on the campaign of a person who fought the Highlandtown political machine and lost (and in the process had his job at a non-profit threatened by one of the most powerful senators in the state legislature). So, how do I figure into your theory that everyone in the county is better behaved than everyone in the city?
