Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday (and nothing is sacred)

An 82 - allow me to repeat this - Eighty-Two year old woman recalls the mugging and vicious assault she allegedly suffered. Apparently one of the men did it after asking for change for a $5. Lesson learned: Don't give anyone in this city anything.

If that doesn't boil your blood enough, the city blotter features people robbed, cars broken into, and homes burgled, while the county blotter has explosive devices and hate crimes. Business as usual in the Baltimore Metropolitan region, I see.

Though she was to receive mental treatment in return for pleading guilty, Vernice Harris continues to rot in prison

My apologies for forgetting Anna Ditkoff's Murder Ink, an invaluable and informative resource here in Harm City...

WMAR TV examines the controversial and -- above all -- local issue of racist license plates. With news mediums like this, who needs propaganda factories? filler?

In a complete and absolute display of her innocence, Mayor Sheila Dixon has retained well known and respected defense attorney Arnold Weiner to represent her in the ongoing perjury/misconduct probe of her office. Weiner, of course, represented former Governor Mandel during his little tryst with the law.


  1. Yeah, it looks like Sheila is guilty.

    But can we really say she's been a bad mayor? I mean: the police have been doing well, more streets are getting fixed, the parks are in good shape, and neighborhoods aren't sliding backwards.

    Baltimore seems to have a knack for destroying the careers of its public officials. Some deserve it, some don't, and some occupy a "grey area" of moral compromise like Norris. I think if this destroys Dixon she will be in that grey area with Norris: an effective public servant who got pinched with their hand in the cookie jar.

    If Dixon is out who will be mayor? some doofus like Bundley?

  2. "If Dixon is out who will be mayor? some doofus like Bundley?"

    Actually it'll be Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. Ugh. I wouldn't call Dixon a good mayor, but compared to all of the realistic potential alternatives I guess she's not that horrific.

  3. so like, has the sun completely given up on identifying murder victims unless they're women? i don't think they've published a male murder victim's name in like two weeks or more.

  4. Here is a really sickening story. 17-year old girl get knocked up, gives birth, murders baby. She was initially charged as an adult, but then gets her case moved to juvie court. She was initially supposed to do about four years (already a disgustingly weak sentence) but now she's been released after a mere EIGHT MONTHS. Christ, and I thought Zach Sowers' killers got off easily! Maybe we should just make infanticide a misdemeanor...

  5. I apologize for starting two sentences in a row with "She was initially." That's what happens when I don't proofread.
