Monday, July 14, 2008

Media Blabber

TDR: "Even though at least 34 journalists at The Sun have applied for buyout packages, the paper will still need to lay off employees to achieve its goal of eliminating 60 newsroom jobs by August."

The Wally Jay reviewed Cop in the Hood by sociologist and former BPD officer Peter Moskos.

Saratoga Street is not about to drop Sleeping-Babygate (you can't call one of their reporters a liar and expect them to drop it)!


  1. Rginal F. Lewis/Northern High School will be on the new list of most dangerous schools.

    I have to wonder if the entrepreneurial late Mr. Lewis would approve of what we immediately think of when his name is mentioned.

  2. probably the same thing that W.E.B. Dubois thinks...

    I'm curious - is the idiocy and violence of these schools directly in proportion to the distinction and honor of the person the school's named after?

  3. I hear The Sun is planning to have robots to write the news.
