Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday, and the Forecast is bleak

As reported by Sir Galt, there was a double shooting in Clifton Park yesterday which left one person dead, and another injured.

As if that isn't bad enough, City police are reporting three nonfatal shootings throughout Baltimore as well from that day. Interesting that they would describe a shooting in such a pleasant, euphemistic way.

Local Firefighters pulled the body of a young woman from the Inner Harbor today.

In response to what can only be described as idiocy and inefficiency squared, Mayor Dixon recommended upgrades to the City Courts' computer system. I wonder if Dale Clark is busy?

In response to placing his client in Supermax instead of psychiatric care, an attorney for Kevin Johns intends to appeal to the Court of Special Appeals.

It isn't technically a crime, but darn it, it should be: The NAACP is investigating Lexington Market because of its policy that clients must purchase food in order to purchase booze. Another fine piece of work of the Baltimore NAACP - how is their paper murder tally going anyway?

Sgt. Robert Smith, who was falsely accused of a sex offense and removed on duty, is now back on the job... with perks! Perhaps the NAACP should get that attorney to investigate their miscarriage of justice.

The Baltimore Sun discusses the BPD's efforts to put away the 960 most dangerous offenders in the City, as well as the problems that the Judiciary sees with it..
And... discuss!


  1. How do you know the lady pulled from the Harbor was a murder victim? Do you know something that others don't?

  2. Given the success the NAACP has had fixing the problems facing the African-American community of Baltimore, a little tolerance should be extended if they appear shiftless, disoriented, and take up a few idiot causes as they seek to find new challenges and problems to fix.

  3. oh I get it, this is going to be the "bash the NAACP" thread, huh?


  4. Yeah, well,... I'll bite.

    Of all the resources which the NAACP could identify as being discriminatorily underprovided to inner city blacks in Baltimore City, open containers of alcohol rank right down there with crack and heroin.

    For that matter, what makes being sober against your will a civil rights issue, let alone a particularly black one ??

    Are we saying that drinking is specifically a black thing ??

    Are the Germans and the Irish imagined to be a lost tribe of albino subsaharan peoples ??

    There are just soooo many other better things for 'Doc' to advocate for. And if Mr. Orange is so very (only) thirsty, might I refer him to what we call a..... bar ??

  5. Lexington Market should be glad it has that "buy food" rule. I avoid Cross Street Market because the drunks down at Nicks turn it into a gauntlet.
