Saturday, July 12, 2008

Morales caught in Dundalk

Edward Ericson Jr. of the City paper notes that Jose Morales Jr. - (alleged) thief, arsonist, and all around bad guy who doesn't like showing up to court - has been captured in Dundalk, and is now being held without bail. I guess this would be because he's a flight risk...

With charges awaiting him in four different counties in Maryland, one has to wonder if he's concerned with the Trespassing charge he may get.

Extra credit to Ed for the clever title of the update!


  1. It looks like the body of the 3-year-old who was thrown off the Key Bridge has been recovered in the Inner Harbor.

  2. "'I really consider this kidnapping,' said Chiffon Rogers, who had gone there in search of her 11-year-old grandson"

    OMFG, if you have an 11-year-old running the streets unsupervised at midnight, you should be thanking Jeebus that the kid wasn't literally kidnapped by a murderous pedophile, for shit's sake!

  3. whoop, meant to leave that comment on the "curfew" story.

    Cynic, I was trying to shrink your huge fonts in the last post but I couldnt figure out the coding so I think I just effed up your style... sorry about that.

  4. I definitely read the title of this post as "Morals caught in Dundalk."

  5. mjb:

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Some people need their parenting licenses revoked.

  6. Here's a follow-up piece on the Wall Street Journal article on the hellhole that is Baltimore:

    Economists suggest that the City's shadow-government approach to economic development opens the door to corruption.

    For the counterpoint on the upside to corruption, cut to.... Sheila Dixon.

  7. Here's a thought: if someone in City Hall got a mink coat everytime Baltimore government enters into a dubious relationship with contractor/subcontractors, wouldn't Baltimore's continued existence constitute a clear and present danger under the Endangered Species Act ???

  8. Warning: not a crime story; instead, a stupid kid story.

    Oh, this one's a real rocket scientist, all right.

  9. sounded like that kid needed more than academic-style enriching

  10. Forget gun control.

    Let's ban the sale of anything sharper than safety scissors to anyone with a latin-sounding name.

  11. Galt, maybe you and Cham should get together and make some nice racially pure babies.

  12. Oh, I assure you, there's nothing racially pure about me. I'm quite Heinz 57.

    However, when you look at violent crime in the hispanic community,..

    first, they tend to avoid conflict with the broader society, which will involve police, which may result in illegals' visibility to la inmigracio'n, and

    second, when they experience violence (other than as victims of local hoodieboys relying on nonreporting to police because of first above), it's generally not with guns. If you review the latino incidents, you will find that knives feature prominently.

    Many years ago, before young black males were allowed to freely carry .357's in their pockets throughout Baltimore, they often carried straight razors and used them freely (within the black community).

    So now Anne Arundel has a teenage multiple stabber with 30 criminal charges pending.

    I have absolutely no problem with profiling, as long as the purpose is not harrasment. I'm fine with hauling in young latino males for possession of concealed knives. The trick is to justify the search.

    And if they happen to find a knife on a young white male, feel free to haul him in as well.

  13. Murderous double-shooting this morning off the 2300 block, Belair Rd. in Belair-Edison.

  14. "No arrests have been made and police have not said what they believe triggered the gunfire" ....Uh, how about a twitchy, cokie little index finger?

  15. Here are some stories for today:

    Police and prosecutors are using parole & probation violations to get thugs off the street, but some judges aren't so thrilled with their tactics.

    Two homicide on Saturday night, including the drunken stabbing of one man by his half-brother.

    The US Attorney's Office will not be seeking the death penalty against the killers of David Wayne Lee. Lee was scheduled to testify in a Frederick drug case at the time of his killing.

  16. Calvin Ray just seems to be an unfortunate name in this town.

    Don't name your son Calvin Ray.

  17. Another reason to hate Baltimore:

    Baltimoreans are disgusting.

    Check out this guy in Govans dumping stuff on his unsuspectig neighbors.

  18. And here is coverage of the Belair Road murder.

  19. And on Monday a.m. we have yet another dead body in the Inner Harbor.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The Chief of Hopkins' Division of Neuroanesthesiology confirms that Margaret Burns is an idiot .

  22. Apparently all four of Zach's attackers lived quite close to here he did, as this map shows.

    I guess Highlandtown/Patterson Park is still on the border between civilization and barbarism.

  23. Double shooting in Clifton Park, one fatality.

  24. Lawyers for Kevin Johns are appealing to the Court of Special Appeals. They say that Johns should be treated in a psych hospital rather than being kept locked up at Supermax.

  25. Maybe Johns's lowlife lawyers should volunteer some of their time to keep their psychotic, triple-murderer client from killing someone else. They're not the ones who have to guard that lunatic, so it's easy for them to file frivolous appeals while ignoring the fact that their legalese bullshit is putting real people's lives at risk.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. ppatin,

    Trayvon was the only attacker who lived within the boundaries of Patterson Park & Highlandtown. The other three attackers lived in Baltimore Highlands- which is in far worse shape than the Highlandtown and Patterson Park neighborhoods. Go check out Santoni's on Lombard and you'll see what I mean.

  28. Mr. Meph:

    Understood, but they still lived quite close to Zach's house. It's kind of like the Perkins Homes in relation to Fells Point, they're separate but still close enough that we get spillage from that cesspool.
