Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Shot in the Park, but Who's to Blame?

Update: The partially-clothed teenaged female found at the Mt. Washington RoFo at the crack of dawn was shot in Robert E. Lee Park and had walked to the store for help. She is in critical condition at Sinai.

Last night was "a violent night in Baltimore City after five shootings and one beating in less 12 hours."

Did you know? There's only one full-time overnight news videographer in town, and his name is Pete O'Neal.


  1. Although I guess we say "Mofo" instead of "Mofu." Maybe cuz that's too similar to tofu?

  2. I personally take offense to the use of violent as its too mean. We should refer to it as 'nonfatal'.

  3. Someone tell this father of a missing asian county boy that we have an equivalent child, a wandering afro-american city girl, and that he may take her on a trade-in ??

  4. ...and, um... is that heading a Bon Jovi reference? Really?

  5. PJ has one more week to decide if she's going to seek the big DP against Mark Castillo.

  6. Best. Headline. Ever.

    And I'm with you, Sean. That whole RoFo thing has bothered me for years. Of course, I'd never considered the MoFo aspect, so you've now confused me. Like that's hard to do.

  7. I always kinda figured Mark Castillo would get a DP in prison...

  8. I emailed Marty "No Comment" Burns for her response to the rumor that PJ was going to drop all charges against Castillo because, based on her first-hand observation, his kids were in fact just "sleeping like babies" and this whole thing was just a big mis-understanding and taken out of context. No reply so far....
