Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"... having joggers find dead bodies is a more effective and vastly more cost-efficient crime fighting alternative than using local law enforcement."


  1. This city needs people to grow and smoke more weed. Unlike booze or crack cocaine it doesn't make people violent or dangerous. You don't shoot it up, which means it doesn't spread disease the way that heroin does. It can be grown naturally, and doesn't have to be produced in nasty, toxic labs the way meth is. Can anyone think of any downsides to increased ganja smoking in B'more?

  2. pp,

    Increased ganja intake would increase the dorito consumption. We all know that doritos contribute to delinquincy.

  3. Then the City Council would ban the sale of individual Dorito bags or "Single-os" as they're known in the inner city.

  4. What would they do with all that extra jail space?
