Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday Morning

This just in: A woman was found shot in front of the Mt. Washington Royal Farms this morning. Police are looking for suspects.

Most loyal viewers have probably seen this in the comments section already but Councilman Jim Kraft has joined the calls for Margaret Burns, spokesperson for Patricia Jessamy, to be canned for her "sleeping baby" remarks.

Five Schools in The - former - City That Reads have been labeled "Persistently Dangerous" by the Maryland state school board. Its worth noting that the entire state of Maryland has five schools which has this designation, so do the math. But, to show you that behind every cloud there's a silver lining, five were removed!

D'oh, Kevin Clark's case was dismissed in the Baltimore City Circuit Court
. His lawyers intend to appeal.

Extremely interesting case: James Owens was convicted of first degree murder years ago and recently was given a new trial. However, the Judge overseeing the case has allowed the confession from years ago to remain as evidence. There's even more to it than that. Another fine writeup by Luke Broadwater.

Police have captured a man they believe shot an Anne Arundel County Police officer yesterday

Anna Ditkoff notes six murders that happened this past week, making her count 112 total.


  1. Damn, Adam Meister is going wild on Patricia Jessamy and Margaret Burns. I've gained a lot of respect for the Examiner because of his work.

  2. Yeah, but sometimes I wonder about Adam's motivation. He seems to toot his own horn a little too much. Also, this article from the City Paper shows what a douchebag he can be.

  3. Oh I'm sure that he and the Examiner are mainly looking after themselves, but they're still doing the right thing IMO. The real obvious opportunist right now is probably Jim Kraft. I'm glad that he jumped on the bandwagon, but his timing is really questionable to me. Why did it take him so long to come out and say that Burns should be fired? At least Meister has stuck with this the whole time.

    BTW, the article you posted made me want to punch Meister in the face, but at the same time it's from 9 years ago when he was 22 years old. I would hope that he's become a little less immature and obnoxious since then.

  4. Granted he's older, but I doubt that he's matured much. Seriously, do you think a guy who's 31 years old should have a haircut like his?

  5. Who knows. Maybe he figures that the haircut will help attract readers...

    You're right of course that there's lots of self-promotion in what he's doing, but I'm willing to put up with a bit of self-serving douchebaggery if it helps expose the incompetence of Pat Jessamy and her cronies.

  6. BTW, this is almost totally non-crime related, but there was an awesome letter in this week's citypaper about their home birthing article from a couple of weeks ago.

    "Your coverage of the "home birth" trend ("Home Made," Feature, June 25) is further evidence of a deep-seated fallacious thought amongst the American left rooted in the "naturalistic fallacy"--that is, the bogus belief that "the natural is better" and sustained by systematic ignorance of history and science endemic in America. It is a dangerous belief that mirrors and shares many of the characteristics of right-wing attacks against evolutionary theory and other knowledge. In fact, it may ultimately prove more detrimental to our existence because it will lead to the unwarranted and dangerous rejection of the technological improvements and progress that have improved the quality of life for billions of people."

  7. The reason he toots is horn is because he is dying to be in the city council. The problem is the guy has a history of incinerating bridges with power centers in the city that no one can ignore if they want to climb up the ladder.

    I wouldn't have a problem with it, but in the last election the guy proposed a half-baked idea for dealing with vacant housing while slamming the heroic albeit marginally successful project 5000.

  8. Oh, I didn't know that Adam Meister had political ambitions. What district is he from?

  9. He's from District 11, the same one where Bill Cole (who beat him back in 2007) is from. Perhaps he sees the internet as a soundbox for his future political ambitions.

    His old campaign is here, I think.

  10. Figures, the school boards answer to having 5 schools that are “persistently dangerous” is to fight the designation and the fairness of the designation rather than do something about having 2.5% of the school filled with criminals.
